Tag Archives: economic assessment

106-119 G.Z. Ibiev, O.A. Savoskina, S.I. Chebanenko, O.О. Beloshapkina and I.A. Zavertkin
Application of environmentally safe chemical reclamation on an innovative basis in Russia
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Application of environmentally safe chemical reclamation on an innovative basis in Russia

G.Z. Ibiev¹*, O.A. Savoskina², S.I. Chebanenko³, O.О. Beloshapkina³ and I.A. Zavertkin²

¹Russian state agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev, Institute of Economics and Management of Agro-Industrial Complex, Department of Economics, 47 Timiryazevskaya Str., RU127550 Moscow, Russia
²Russian state agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Department of Agriculture and Experimental Methods, 47 Timiryazevskaya Str., RU127550 Moscow, Russia
³Russian state agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev, Institute of Agrobiotechnology, Department of Plant Protection, 47 Timiryazevskaya Str., RU127550 Moscow, Russia
*Correspondence: gibiev@rgau-msha.ru


In the context of world food crisis, potato production and increasing its yield is an urgent topic of research. In agricultural production, one of the most basic directions of increasing production is the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers. The purpose of the study is to develop agro-methods for the use of environmentally friendly biopolymers when applying mineral fertilizers for the effective cultivation of potato and to determine production efficiency. To end this purpose, two field experiments and one control variant without the use of biopolymers were used in our study to assess the effect of Nutricharge and Growgreen preparations on the yield of Gala potato variety. To obtain reliable experimental results, several of the following requirements were considered: representativeness, accuracy, and compliance with the principle of single difference. Experiment No. 1 – treatment of ammonium nitrate phosphate fertilizer with Nutricharge at the rate of 3 kg per 1 ha. As a result of the Nutricharge biopolymer application, the biological yield of potato increased by 83.5 c ha-1. Experiment No. 2 – treatment of mineral fertilizers with Nutricharge and Growgreen, 2.5 L ha-1. As a result of the biopolymers application, the biological yield of potato in this experiment exceeds the control data by 237.5 c ha-1. At the same time, the yield in the second experiment turned out to be higher than the yield in the first experiment by 154 c ha-1. An equally important task in conducting this study was to determine, with the help of economic assessment, the production efficiency of biopolymers application. As a result of economic analysis, we found out that the complex use of preparations allowed to reduce the cost of production of 1 ton of potato in the first experiment by 21%, in the second – by 7.7% compared with the control. Cost reduction and revenue increase in the second experiment allowed to make a profit from 1 ha of 298,020 rubles, and in the first – 221,440 rubles. The obtained research data give us reason to say that the use of biopolymers Nutricharge and Growgreen is effective and their scale should be spread throughout the entire region of the country.

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2039–2047 L. Proskina and S. Cerina
Legumes in the diet of dairy cows from the economic perspective
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Legumes in the diet of dairy cows from the economic perspective

L. Proskina¹* and S. Cerina²

¹Faculty of Economics and Social Development, Latvia University of Agriculture, Svetes street 18, LV-3001 Jelgava, Latvia
²Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Priekuli Research Centre, Zinatnes street 2, LV-4130 Priekuli, Priekulu parish, Priekulu district, Latvia
*Correspondence: liga.proskina@llu.lv


Based on the experimental data, one can conclude that feed rations may comprise peas var. ‘Bruno’ and faba beans var. ‘Lielplatone’ grown in Latvia, thereby replacing the use of imported soybean cake. After summarising the results of trials, one can conclude that the diets comprising only one kind of legumes (peas or beans) were the most economically efficient, while the highest production efficiency was achieved if incorporating 22–24% ‘Lielplatone’ faba beans into the diet for dairy cows. In Europe and Latvia, foods of animal origin comprise, on average, 45% of the total agricultural output value; an essential role in the production of the foods is played by the supply of protein-rich feedstuffs to the livestock industry. An analysis of the factors influencing productivity in dairy farming shows that a diet is the most important factor that promote or hinder the functioning of the inherited genetic potential. In order to meet the dietary energy, protein and mineral requirements of cows, the cows have to be fed a diet according to their physiological condition. In recent years in many countries, research investigations into protein sources have been conducted, as a high protein content of feedstuff is the most expensive component of a feed ration. For this reason, their use in livestock diets might be economically inefficient and therefore the key focus has to be placed on opportunities to increase the content of protein in domestically produced feeds.

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