Tag Archives: electromagnetic system

1232–1240 Z. Vondrášek
Numerical Modelling of Transient Phenomena in a Synchronous Machine
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Numerical Modelling of Transient Phenomena in a Synchronous Machine

Z. Vondrášek

1Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Kamýcká 129, CZ 16521 Praha 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic; e-mail: vondrasek@tf. czu.cz


The present contribution deals with the idea of identification of electromagnetic transient phenomena pages in a synchronous machine – namely of distant short circuits – by numerical modelling. Phenomena in AC windings of a synchronous machine (stator) have a backswing effect on the phenomena in DC windings – namely the excitation one. Concerned is namely the current stress of the excitation circuit during the transient phenomenon. The computer model is created in the Famulus- vers. 3 – environment. The time behaviour of AC circuit currents in components d, q and the excitation circuit is monitored on the example of a 3-pole distant short circuit in a synchronous machine (via the impedances of connecting elements). The results are compared of models with a simpler structure (one damper circuit in the rotor) with those with a more complicated structure (two damper circuits in the rotor). 

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