Tag Archives: environmental fate and behaviour

323-326 R. Reiman and L. Vakra
Environmental risk assessment of plant protection products
Abstract |

Environmental risk assessment of plant protection products

R. Reiman and L. Vakra

Estonian Plant Production Inspectorate, Teaduse 2, Saku, 75501, Estonia


Plant protection products (PPP’s) are hazardous chemicals that are intentionally spread into the environment. In order to protect human and animal health and the environment the risk assessment has to be performed before the authorisation of PPP’s. Risk assessment is based on the general principles and requirements laid down in the European Council Directive 91/414/EEC (concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market), international guidelines and Estonian legislation. This paper describes ecotoxicological and environmental risk assessment, the use of mathematical models and feasible risk mitigation measures to assure acceptable risk of PPP’s under the proposed conditions of use in Estonia.

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