Tag Archives: fungal diseases

574–585 S. Polyanskikh, I. Arinicheva, I. Arinichev and G. Volkova
Autoencoders for semantic segmentation of rice fungal diseases
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Autoencoders for semantic segmentation of rice fungal diseases

S. Polyanskikh¹, I. Arinicheva², I. Arinichev³* and G. Volkova⁴

¹Plarium Inc., 75/1 Uralskaya Str., RU350001 Krasnodar, Russia
²Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, 13 Kalinina Str., RU350044 Krasnodar, Russia
³Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolskaya Str., RU350040 Krasnodar, Russia
⁴All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection, 1 VNIIBZR Str., RU350039, Krasnodar, Russia
*Correspondence: iarinichev@gmail.com


In the article, the authors examine the possibility of automatic localization of rice fungal infections using modern methods of computer vision. The authors consider a new approach based on the use of autoencoders – special neural network architectures. This approach makes it possible to detect areas on rice leaves affected by a particular disease. The authors demonstrate that the autoencoder can be trained to remove affected areas from the image. In some cases, this allows one to clearly highlight the affected area by comparing the resulting image with the original one. Therefore, modern architectures of convolutional autoencoders provide quite acceptable visual quality of detection.

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367-370 T. Siksnianas, V. Stanys, G. Stanienė, C. Bobinas,A. Sasnauskas and R. Rugienius
Resistance to fungal diseases of interspecific currant hybrids of Eucoreosma section
Abstract |

Resistance to fungal diseases of interspecific currant hybrids of Eucoreosma section

T. Siksnianas, V. Stanys, G. Stanienė, C. Bobinas,A. Sasnauskas and R. Rugienius

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Babtai LT-4335, Kaunas distr., Lithuaniae-mail: a.sasnauskas@lsdi.lt


Interspecific hybridisation in genus Ribes is one of the most effective methods fordeveloping resistant cultivars. Plants of R. nigrum x R. pauciflorum, R. nigrum x R. ussuriense, R. nigrum x R. Janczewskii (F1) were obtained directly after interspecifichybridization of currant. Hybrids of R. nigrum × R. americanum and R. americanum x R. nigrum (F1 – F3) were obtained after interspecific hybridization and embryo rescue in vitro.Fertile plants were found in all crosses. 20.0–52.3% of hybrids in F1 were resistant to powderymildew. In crosses of R. nigrum x R. pauciflorum, R. nigrum x R. Janczewskii 2–5% of plants were undamaged by Septoria leaf spot. Plant fertility of hybrids R. nigrum × R. americanum and R. americanum x R. nigrum was very low in F1 and increased in F2 and F3. There wereresistant plants in all families of hybrids obtained by reciprocal crosses, but resistance level of hybrids with R. americanum cytoplasm was considerably higher. The resistance to fungal diseases of some hybrids in F3 generation was higher than R. nigrum and equal to R. americanum.

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