Tag Archives: polymer fertilizers of «Zelenit» family

367-372 A. Petropavlovsky, A. Komarov and K. Matveeva
Ecological aspects in use of new polimeric fertilizers as a tool of environmental safety management
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Ecological aspects in use of new polimeric fertilizers as a tool of environmental safety management

A. Petropavlovsky¹, A. Komarov² and K. Matveeva¹

1«Polymerorgsyntez, Ltd», Koly Tomchaka 28, St. Petersburg 196006, Russia;e-mail: polymerorgsyntez@rambler.ru.
²Agrophysical Research Institute, 14 Grazhdansky prosp., St. Petersburg 195220,Russia; e-mail: Zelenydar@mail.ru


Pollution of a significant territory of the Baltic Sea is largely determined by the levels of man-made emissions of significant quantities of mineral fertilizers, which are used in intensive agriculture practices in the Baltic region.We developed and propose a new method of application of fertilizers from the “Zelenit”family, which allows for effective plant metabolic processes in an up-to-date manner. This method involves liquid mineral polymeric fertilizers, which lack the drawbacks of their predecessors and are fundamentally different from traditional varieties used for spray feeding due to containment of feeding elements in the polymeric matrix of fertilizers.The use of the above-mentioned fertilizers allows us to solve the environmental problemof water polution by elements of plant feeding, particularly by decreasing waste in the Baltic Sea. It can also raise profitability of agricultural production due to decreased input of main fertilizers into the soil and help to create rational systems for mineral feeding, significantly decrease the influence of meteofactors, and raise the quality and quantity of a crop.

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