Tag Archives: Soil electric conductivity

751–759 M. Kroulik,, P. Zabransky, J. Holub and J. Chyba
Development and implementation of data collection technologies for digital mapping of soil electric conductivity
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Development and implementation of data collection technologies for digital mapping of soil electric conductivity

M. Kroulik¹,*, P. Zabransky², J. Holub¹ and J. Chyba¹

¹ Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Agricultural Machines. Kamycka 129, CZ165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
² Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology. Kamycka 129, CZ165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: kroulik@tf.czu.cz


One of the main preconditions for the introduction of soil protection measures and sustainable use of a soil is to strengthen the knowledge base about the specific habitats characteristics with high spatial resolution and adequate interventions to these properties. One of the most common sensors used to describe the level of soil variability are devices that measure the electric conductivity of the soil.
Platform for the electrical conductivity measuring has been developed and implemented into the standard combined machines for the tillage and seeding, using an existing work tools as part of the platform. Within the field work the series of measurements was conducted with this machine and platform and data of electrical conductivity were collected. On the same field as a reference method electrical conductivity was measured by an electromagnetic induction probe EM38 MK2. Compared data from the measuring platform and the EM38 MK2 probe showed a high correlation value. The experiments demonstrate the possibilities of technical solutions of soil conductivity measurement implementation on tillage and seeding machines where by a modification of selected tillage and seeding machines together with incorporation of sensors directly onto the work tools is possible to obtain measuring platform that enables data collection directly during operation of the machine on the field.

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