Tag Archives: stevioside

1435-1443 M.V. Lugova and T.P. Arseneva
Development of the composition and technology of the frozen dessert without sugar, using sesame flour
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Development of the composition and technology of the frozen dessert without sugar, using sesame flour

M.V. Lugova and T.P. Arseneva*

Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Department of Applied Biotechnology, 9, Lomonosova street, RU191002 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
*Correspondence: tamara-arseneva@mail.ru


The article presents the results of the analysis of the entry dose of stevioside, topinambur syrup, sesame flour and the type of stabilizer added to the milk ice cream formula, theoretically calculated, using solids according to GOST 31457-2012 for development of a functionally oriented dessert with low content of fat and without sugar. It has been established that the entry dose of the stevioside and the topinambur syrup in an amount of 0.03 and 5% respectively to the mixture mass of the frozen dessert allows us to get the product with pleasant flavor and scent. The use of the PGX-1 stabilizer (Germany) with an entry dose of 0.4 to the mixture mass allows us to get the product with the best indicators for whipping, thawing resistance, density and uniformity of consistency. It has been determined that the entry dose of sesame flour added to the mixture mass varies from 1.5 to 2%. It is expedient to put it into the normalize mixture after the process of homogenization before milling, pre-brewing with water in the ratio of 1:10 for 15–20 minutes to humidity (80 ± 1) %. It has been found that the expiration date of the frozen dessert without sugar with the use of sesame flour is 6 months at a temperature of – 18 °C.

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1086-1095 E. Skripleva, and T. Arseneva
Optimization of the recipe of yoghurt with additives and control of some quality attributes of new yoghurt recipe
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Optimization of the recipe of yoghurt with additives and control of some quality attributes of new yoghurt recipe

E. Skripleva¹,* and T. Arseneva²

¹Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, ITMO University, Lomonosova street 9, 191002, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; *Correspondence: 4ernamurka@rambler.ru 2Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, ITMO University, Lomonosova street 9, 191002, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


According to the data and the results of clinical trials received in Nutrition Institute of ‘Russian Academy of Medical Sciences’, it was found that 80% of Russians suffer from lack of selenium. Saint-Petersburg University Innovation Company ‘Littoral’ has developed a biologically active food supplement ‘Selenium Alga plus’. The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of using dietary supplement ‘Selenium Alga Plus’ in yoghurt manufacture. Almost all groups of the population consume such fermented milk drink as yogurt, so that it is considered that this method increasing selenium as the most effective. People suffering from diabetes may have lack of selenium in the organism, as well as healthy people. Since traditional yogurt contains 11% of sucrose, it is necessary to choose sweetening components with vegetable origin. Selecting sweetening components of vegetable origin we pursued the dual purpose. Firstly, we created a sweet product, which would be a source of organic selenium. Therefore the sucrose was replaced with the plant origin sweeteners such as syrup of Jerusalem artichoke and stevioside. Secondly, it was the development of technology and composition of functional food product, intended not only for mass consumption, but also for people suffer from diabetes. It becomes possible due to the absence of sucrose, the presence of selenium and Jerusalem artichoke, which are able to reduce the blood sugar level.

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