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727-736 L. Kuznetsova, L. Zabodalova and D. Baranenko
On the potential of lupin protein concentrate made by enzymatic hydrolysis of carbohydrates in dairy-like applications
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On the potential of lupin protein concentrate made by enzymatic hydrolysis of carbohydrates in dairy-like applications

L. Kuznetsova*, L. Zabodalova and D. Baranenko

Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, ITMO University, Lomonosova Street ⁹, ¹⁹¹00², Saint-Petersburg, Russia; *Correspondence: mamaeva.ludmila@mail.ru


The aim of this research was to study the parameters of obtaining lupin concentrates by enzymatic hydrolysis of wholegrain lupin flour and application of these concentrates in the technology of high-protein dairy-like products. The following enzymes preparations were used: Celluclast BG, Cellulaza ¹00, Pentopan Mono BG and α-amylase. The usage of Cellulaza ¹00 and Pentopan Mono BG showed the highest protein amounts in the lupin concentrates under the test conditions. Three factors were studied to take effect on crude protein content in the product: temperature in the range ⁵0–⁶0°C; cellulase dosage between 0.⁵⁴–¹.⁶² units g-¹; ratio water: flour – ¹0 : ¹, ¹⁵ : ¹, ²0 : ¹. Optimum hydrolysis conditions for Cellulaza ¹00 were temperature of ⁵⁵°C; ratio water: flour of ¹⁵ : ¹; cellulase dosage of ¹.0⁸ units g-¹. Crude protein content in the final product increased on ¹²% compared with the original flour and on ⁸–⁹% compared to the lupin concentrate obtained without enzymes. Hydrolysis by multienzymatic compositions was tried as an alternative way of increasing the efficiency of the process. However hydrolysis by multienzymatic compositions was not yet found so efficient as hydrolysis by pure Cellulaza ¹00. The lupin protein concentrate was dispersed in water and mixed with skimmed milk to have total product protein content about ⁵%. The mixture was fermented by yogurt starter culture; consumer properties of final products were investigated. Fermented products supplement the diet with vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, which have high biological value.

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