Tag Archives: piston press

1708–1715 A. Muntean, T. Ivanova, P. Hutla and B. Havrland
Influence of raw material properties on the quality of solid biofuel and energy consumption in briquetting process
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Influence of raw material properties on the quality of solid biofuel and energy consumption in briquetting process

A. Muntean¹, T. Ivanova¹*, P. Hutla² and B. Havrland¹

¹Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Department of
Sustainable Technologies, Kamýcká 129, CZ 16500 Prague, Czech Republic
²Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Drnovská 507, CZ 16101 Prague,
Czech Republic
*Correspondence: ivanova@ftz.czu.cz


The present paper is related to a pressing process research of raw materials with different density in order to investigate impact of biomass density on a formation of monolithic structure and the briquette’s strength. Another focus of the study is an influence of raw materials particles’ size on agglomeration process and quality of final product. Different biomass materials like two varieties of miscanthus, industrial hemp and apple wood were selected for experimental purposes of this research. Mechanical durability which represents one the main indicator of briquettes’ mechanical quality (strength) was determined. The research was conducted using hydraulic piston briquetting press. For assessment of briquetting efficiency during the whole process energy consumption was measured. One of the most important factors that can affect briquetting process is the temperature of pressing chamber which was registered as well. The main goal of the research was practical study of possibilities for increasing production efficiency and quality of briquettes on hydraulic piston briquetting press with respect to optimization of particles’ size of raw materials and use of raw materials the most appropriate density.

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47-52 T. Ivanova,, A. Muntean, B. Havrland, and V. Pobedinsky
Theoretical modelling of the briquetting process with different pressing equipment
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Theoretical modelling of the briquetting process with different pressing equipment

T. Ivanova¹,*, A. Muntean², B. Havrland¹, and V. Pobedinsky²

¹Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Kamýcká 129, 16500 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic;
*Correspondence: ivanova@its.czu.cz
²Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Auto Transportation, State AgrarianUniversity of Moldova, Mircesti 44, 2049 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Recently, a large number of technologies for production of solid biofuels in the formof briquettes has been researched and put into practice. The main advantages and disadvantagesof modern production methods are analysed in this study. The lack of information about theprocess of formation and agglomeration of briquettes of different types of processing equipmentadversely affects the quality of bio-fuel, rapid and intensive wear and tear of the main workingparts and higher energy compaction; this influences the cost of the final product. In order tosolve the above problems, a theoretical modelling of the process of bio-briquettes’ formation onthe piston press is proposed in the present paper. The main task was not only an analysis of theoptimal technologies for briquette production, but also a comparison and elaboration ofmathematical multifactorial linear models of the pressing process. During the theoreticalmodelling the main factors influencing the mechanical quality of briquettes were analysed andcalculated. For a more understandable description of the briquetting process in a piston press,the pressing chamber was divided into three pressing zones. Analysis of forces and pressuredistribution during the passage of material through the pressing chamber was done. The studypretends to improve the design and operational parameters of the pressing equipment.

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