Volume 20 (2022)
  Number 4

Full text of journal: Volume 20 Number 4



730-750 S. Kalenska, N. Novytska, V. Kalenskii, L. Garbar, T. Stolyarchuk, N. Doktor, S. Kormosh and A. Martunov
The efficiency of combined application of mineral fertilizers, inoculants in soybean growing technology, and functioning of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis under increasing nitrogen rates
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The efficiency of combined application of mineral fertilizers, inoculants in soybean growing technology, and functioning of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis under increasing nitrogen rates

S. Kalenska¹, N. Novytska¹, V. Kalenskii¹, L. Garbar¹, T. Stolyarchuk¹*, N. Doktor², S. Kormosh² and A. Martunov³

¹National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Plant Science, Heroiv Oborony Str., 15, UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
²SS NULES ‘Mukachevo agricultural college’, Matrosova Str., 32, UA89600 Mukachevo, Zakarpattya reg., Ukraine
³Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Henerala Rodymtseva Str., 15, UA03041, Kyiv, Ukraine


Soy is a valuable leguminous crop, whose productivity directly depends on many factors, among which nitrogen fertilizers are one of the most important. Nitrogen fertilizing of this crop is often given insufficient attention because the yield increase can be quite insignificant. The purpose of the research is to study the combined effect of biofertilizers and increasing rates of nitrogen mineral fertilizers on the growth, development, and yield of soybean varieties. The experiment is three-factorial: factor A – early ripening soybean varieties Annushka and Ustya, factor B – seeds inoculation by biofertilizer, and factor C – rates of mineral fertilizers application. Results of research show the efficiency of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis during seed inoculation was established for nitrogen rates from N0 to N60 against the background of P60K60 – the biomass of nodule bacteria is 418–675 mg plant-1. The application of N90P60K60 significantly reduces the number and mass of nodule bacteria – 207–241; N120P60K60 – 32.0–42.0 mg plant-1, and with the introduction of P60K60 + N150–180 nodule bacteria are not formed and the effectiveness of microbiological drugs is not recorded. Nitrogenase activity with N0–90 application on the background of P60K60 and seed inoculation ranged from 3.25 to 7.76 μmol C2H4 per plant ha-1. With a further increase in nitrogen levels, nitrogenase activity was not recorded. On typical chernozems of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, higher yields of early-ripening soybean varieties are formed by applying N60P60K60 and pre-sowing seeds treatment with rhizohumin or rhizohumin/hetomics combination. P60K60N150–180 showed a partial decrease in soybean yield due to the distress effect.

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751-763 J. Olt, V. Bulgakov, O. Trokhaniak, M. Klendii, Ia. Gadzalo, M. Ptashnik and M. Tkachenko
Harrow with screw-type operating tools: optimisation of design and process parameters
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Harrow with screw-type operating tools: optimisation of design and process parameters

J. Olt¹*, V. Bulgakov², O. Trokhaniak², M. Klendii³, Ia. Gadzalo⁴, M. Ptashnik⁵ and M. Tkachenko⁵

¹Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Forestry and Engineering, 56 Kreutzwaldi Str., EE51006 Tartu, Estonia
²National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroiv Oborony Str., UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
³Separated Subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute, 20 Academchna Str., Berezhanu, Ternopil region, UA 47501, Ukraine
⁴National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 9 Mykhailo Omelyanovych-Pavlenko Str., UA01010, Kyiv, Ukraine
⁵National Science Center, Institute of Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine,
2-b Mashynobudivnykiv Str., Chabany vil., Kyiv-Sviatoshyn Dist., UA08162 Kyiv Region, Ukraine
*Correspondence: jyri.olt@emu.ee


A new design of the harrow with screw-type operating tools is presented in the paper. It describes the theoretical and experimental investigations carried out for the purpose of optimising the design and process parameters of the harrow with screw-type operating tools. Such optimisation will provide for improving the soil fertility, when burying chaff and other plant residues as organic fertilisers into the soil during its tillage. On the basis of the results obtained in the comprehensive experimental investigations, new regression relations have been generated. These relations provide for determining the proportion of the field surface, where the after harvesting residues have been completely buried in the soil with the harrow with screw-type operating tools. It has been established that the dominant effect on the relative amount of the field surface area S with completely worked-in plant residues is produced by the soil tillage depth h, then follows the factor of the screw-type operating device battery approach angle β. The pitch distance Т of the screw-type operating device has the smallest effect. The results of the completed research prove that increasing the pitch distance Т of the screw-type operating tool from 0.18 m to 0.26 m results in the decrease in the area S of the field surface with the plant residues buried in the soil by 1.4%. An increase in the approach angle β from 20° to 40° results in the increase in the field surface area S with the plant residues completely worked into the soil by 5.6%. Increasing the soil tillage depth from 0.08 m to 0.12 m results in the increase in the above-mentioned surface S by 7.1%. The simultaneous action of the factors of the tillage depth h and the approach angle β results in the percentage of the surface S rising from 72% to 82%.

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764-773 N.N. Petrishina, A.V. Yena, N.V. Nevkrytaya, V.V. Nikolenko, V.S. Pashtetsky, E.F. Myagkikh, S. Babanina and V.S. Kukhar
Comparative anatomical and morphological characteristics of two subspecies of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)
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Comparative anatomical and morphological characteristics of two subspecies of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae)

N.N. Petrishina¹²*, A.V. Yena¹, N.V. Nevkrytaya², V.V. Nikolenko¹, V.S. Pashtetsky², E.F. Myagkikh², S. Babanina² and V.S. Kukhar³

¹V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Prospect Vernadskogo, 4, RU295033 Simferopol, Russia
²Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea, Kievskaya Str., 150, RU295453 Simferopol, Russia
³Ural State Agrarian University, Karla Libknekhta Srt., 42, RU620075 Yekaterinburg, Russia
*Correspondence: n-petrishina@list.ru


The aim of the research is to comprehensively compare the anatomical and morphological structures of plants of Melissa officinalis subsp. officinalis (‘Krymchanka’ and ‘Lada’ varieties) and of M. officinalis subsp. аltissima (Sm.) Arcang. These plants have pronounced differences in morphological features and production indexes. They are grown in the collection of aromatic plants of the Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea (Krymskaya Roza village, Belogorsky district of Crimea). These studies will allow us to supplement the botanical characteristics of both subspecies of M. officinalis, and also to evaluate their plasticity and possibilities of adaptation to growing conditions. For examination we collected plants in the flowering phase. Anatomical study was carried out using a fixed (alcohol: glycerin : water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1) and native preparation. A complex of mesomorphic and xeromorphic characters is established, that confirms the high plasticity and determines the adaptive capabilities of the species when introduced into various soil and climatic conditions. A variety of epidermal structures was revealed, which are represented by single and multicellular non-glandular trichomes and various types of glandular structures. Among them, trichomes with a multicellular pedicle and a unicellular head, which we found only in M. officinalis subsp. officinalis.

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774-784 I. Poliakova, O. Polyakov and K. Vedmedeva
Comparative analysis of oil flax varieties according to economically valuable traits in the Steppe zone of Ukraine
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Comparative analysis of oil flax varieties according to economically valuable traits in the Steppe zone of Ukraine

I. Poliakova¹*, O. Polyakov² and K. Vedmedeva²

¹Zaporizhzhia National University (ZNU), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 66 Zhukovskogo Str., UA69600 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
²Institute of Oilseed Crops, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 1 Institutskaya Str., UA69093 Sonyachne village, Zaporizhzhia oblast, Ukraine
*Correspondence: ira.linum@gmail.com


Interest in oil flax has been growing in recent decades. Linseed oil is a fast-drying oil and it is traditionally used in the production of linoleum, paints and coatings. Due to their content of essential polyunsaturated acids and vitamins, the growing use of flax seeds and oils in food and medicine has significantly increased the volume of its cultivation in different countries. This article presents the main research results for 2018−2020 of a large group of varieties of oil flax of Zaporizhzhia breeding for economically valuable traits. The purpose of research is to establish the genotypes that form the highest yields and oil content in arid conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was found that the most productive year was 2020 due to more favorable temperatures and even distribution of precipitation during the growing season of oil flax. It was found that the yield of oil flax had a high correlation coefficient with weather conditions (r = 0.67) especially from precipitation in May-June (r = 0.60). A detailed study of the correlation between yield and habit traits and the main economically valuable traits revealed a close direct correlation between oil flax yield and seed weight per 1 plant (r = 0.99), yield and number of lateral stems per plant (r = 0.93), yield and number of bolls and seeds per 1 plant (r = 0.77), yield and weight of 1,000 seeds (r = 0.73), yield and duration of the growing season (r = 0.65). According to the results of three-year research, the highest yield was obtained from the variety Vodohrai 1.79 t ha-1. The highest oil content and oil yield per hectare were formed by varieties Vodohrai 50.1% and 0.80 t ha-1, Zolotystyi 49.7% and 0.76 t ha-1, Aisberh 48.3% and 0.72 t ha-1.

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785-792 P. Pysarenko, M. Samojlik, M. Galytska, Y. Tsova, A. Kalinichenko and M. Bąk
Ecotoxicological assessment of mineralized stratum water as an environmentally friendly substitute for agrochemicals
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Ecotoxicological assessment of mineralized stratum water as an environmentally friendly substitute for agrochemicals

P. Pysarenko¹, M. Samojlik¹, M. Galytska¹*, Y. Tsova¹, A. Kalinichenko²* and M. Bąk²

¹Poltava State Agrarian University, Educational and Scientific Institute of Agrotechnology, Breeding and Ecology, Department of Ecology, Sustainable Nature Management and Environmental Protection, 1/3 Skovorody Str., UA36003 Poltava, Ukraine
²University of Opole, Faculty of Natural Science and Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotehnology, 6 Komina Str., UA45-032 Opole, Poland
*Correspondence: maryna.galytska@pdaa.edu.ua; akalinichenko@uni.opole.pl


As a result of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, sown areas are reduced, the cost of plant protection products and fertilizers increases which emphasizes the problem of obtaining maximum yields from a smaller area of farmland. Given that a shortage of food grains can cause a global food crisis, research on the use of MSW as an environmentally friendly substitute for agrochemicals is relevant today. The aim of the research was to assess the ecotoxicological properties of MSW as an environmentally friendly substitute for synthetic agrochemicals. The impact of MSW as a fertilizer on soil chemical properties and assessment of MSW phytotoxicity as an herbicide for weeds and productivity of winter wheat were studied under field conditions. Toxicological assessment of MSW under laboratory conditions was carried out according to the following parameters: acute oral toxicity and resorptive-toxic effect of MSW. As a result of the assessment of MSW impact on soil chemical properties, it was found that significant soil acidification occurs only when MSW dose of more than 2,400 L ha-1 is used. The content of nitrates and oil products did not increase and there was no soil salinity when the MSW was used in doses of 300–1,200 L ha-1. It was determined that the greatest decrease in weed plant biomass (85.5%) was observed when 100% concentration of MSW was used in a dose of 350 L ha-1. As a consequence, with reduced weed infestation, there was a 21.5% increase in winter wheat yield if 100% MSW was used and a 19.1% increase if 75% MSW was used. As a result of the toxicological assessment of MSW, it was found that it belongs to low-toxic compounds. These results of ecotoxicological investigation of MSW make it possible to assert that its use is safe in agriculture, in particular as an environmentally safe organomineral fertilizer and herbicide.

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793-804 Y.N. Sassine, T.K. Sajyan, A. El Zarzour, A.M.R. Abdelmawgoud, M. Germanos and S.M. Alturki
Integrative effects of biostimulants and salinity on vegetables: Contribution of bioumik and Lithovit®-urea50 to improve salt-tolerance of tomato
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Integrative effects of biostimulants and salinity on vegetables: Contribution of bioumik and Lithovit®-urea50 to improve salt-tolerance of tomato

Y.N. Sassine¹, T.K. Sajyan¹²*, A. El Zarzour¹, A.M.R. Abdelmawgoud³, M. Germanos¹ and S.M. Alturki⁴

¹Lebanese University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, Beirut, Lebanon
²University of Forestry, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, 10 Kliment Ohridski blvd, BG1797 Sofia, Bulgaria
³National Research Center, Department of Vegetable Researches, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
⁴King Faisal University, College of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Department of Arid Land Agriculture, P.O. Box 400, Al Ahsa 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
*Correspondence: tony.sajyan@st.ul.edu.lb


The separate and combined effect of lithovit-urea50 and bioumik was tested on salt-stressed tomato crops. Salinity was induced using three different NaCl solutions (2, 4 and 8 dS m-1). Under the salinity effect, all aspects of plant growth were inhibited. Total chlorophyll and carotenoids reduced from mg g-1 FW and 1.1 mg g-1 FW at 2 dS m-1 to reach 1.01 mg g-1 FW and 0.66 mg g-1 FW at 8 dS m-1 in control plants. Plants treated by the combination of both products had the highest chlorophyll and carotenoids content with 2.24 mg g-1 FW and 1.34 mg g‑1 FW, 1.88 mg g-1 FW and 1.05 mg g-1 FW, and 1.39 mg g-1 FW and 0.86 mg g-1 FW respectively at 2, 4 and 8 dS m-1. Treating plants by this combination maximized flower number, fruit weight, yield and fruit diameter at 2 dS m-1 (17 flowers, 47.93 g, 431.1 g plant-1 and 3.23 cm respectively) and 4 dS m-1 (15flowers, 36.45 g, 291.85 g plant-1 and 2.8 cm respectively). The separate application of bioumik minimized cell electrolyte leakage at 2 dS m-1 (8.82%) compared to control (11.43%). Additionally, plants treated by lithovit-urea and bioumik had the highest relative water content with 107.3%, 96.5% and 91.2% respectively at 2, 4 and 8 dS m-1. N, Ca and Mg in roots were significantly the highest at 2 dS m-1 (4.5%, 2.6% and 0.5% respectively), at 4 dS m-1 (3.74%, 2.49% and 0.48% respectively) and at 8 dS m-1 (3.21%, 2.61% and 0.32% respectively). K content in roots was maximized following the separate application of bioumik with 3.21% at 2 dS m-1 and 2.55% at 8 dS m-1. Conclusively, lithovit-urea and bioumik helped plants in tolerating salt-stress with an optimal effect obtained after their combination.

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805-813 O. Shchuklina, R. Afanasiev, A. Gulevich, E. Baranova, V. Kvitko and O. Kvitko
Using data of optic sensors and pigment content in leaves for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition
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Using data of optic sensors and pigment content in leaves for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition

O. Shchuklina¹*, R. Afanasiev², A. Gulevich³, E. Baranova³, V. Kvitko¹ and O. Kvitko⁴

¹Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Distant hybridization, Botanic Str., 4, RU127276 Moscow, Russia
²All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D.N. Pryanishnikov, Pryanishnikova Str., 31A, RU127434 Moscow, Russia
³All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Timiryzevskaya Str., 42, RU127550 Moscow, Russia
⁴Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, GSP-1, RU119991 Moscow, Russia
*Correspondence: oashuklina@gmail.com


Opportune monitoring and diagnostics of a condition of crops permit to make prompt and proper activities on dressing nitrogen fertilizers. This will allow the plants to use the nitrogen applied efficiently, and therefore reduce their use in field. Since nitrogen that has not been utilized by plants is able to escape into the atmosphere or be washed out of the soil with water. The most accurate diagnostic method is to determine the chemical composition of plants, but it takes quite a long time and requires laboratory conditions, which is not always possible in the field. One of the promising methods is photometric diagnostics of crops using optical instruments. Experiment is carried out in contrasting weather conditions, on soddy-podzolic soil with spring barley and spring rapeseed being investigated. Results of research show the efficiency of using optic sensors (N-testers) for efficient diagnostics of nitrogen nutrition of plants. The readings of the device (N-tester) were compared with the concentration of a and b chlorophyll, determined by a chemical method. Results of diagnostics with portable photometric device ‘Yara’ are correlating with concentrations of chlorophylls a (r=0.96) and b (r = 0.91) in spring rapeseed.Moreover, correlation of rapeseed yield and concentrations of chlorophylls a and b has quantity and inverse relation similar to device indication (r = –0.81 and r = –0.70 respectively). Results of diagnostics with N-tester ‘Spectroluxe’ are strongly correlating with chlorophyll concentration. Device indication correlates stronger with chlorophyll b concentration in spring barley and chlorophyll a concentration in spring rapeseed (rapeseed was investigated in dryer conditions). Thus, such a modern optical device as N-tester, whose action is based on measuring the concentration of leafy chlorophyll, can replace chemical methods and increase the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization, which means increasing the productivity of plants and reducing the negative impact of unreasonable use of nitrogen fertilizers.

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814-826 L. Shevchuk, Y. Tereshchenko, Y. Vintskovska, L. Levchuk, S. Babenko and R. Hrynyk
Yield and content of biologically active substances in blue honeysuckle fruit (Lonicera caerulea L.) grown in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine
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Yield and content of biologically active substances in blue honeysuckle fruit (Lonicera caerulea L.) grown in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine

L. Shevchuk¹²*, Y. Tereshchenko², Y. Vintskovska², L. Levchuk², S. Babenko² and R. Hrynyk²

¹National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Agrobiological Faculty, 15 Heroes of Defense Str., UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
²Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 23 Sadova Str., UA03027 Kyiv, Ukraine
*Correspondence: zberig@ukr.net


The blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) is a relatively new crop in Ukraine, its industrial cultivation is only 100 hectares. The main constraints are the lack of varieties with high yield and nutritional value of berries. Therefore, a study of the yield and quality of introduced varieties is necessary and relevant, both for producers and breeders. With our research, we determined the potential of the early stage of blue honeysuckle berries under the conditions of their cultivation in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine and the weather conditions of the year of the specified region. We assessed how early we can get a crop and set what quality and what it will be. To clearly understand the quality of the grown fruits, their average weight, size and uniformity were studied. From nutritional indicators of fruit quality, the content of dry matter, soluble solids, sugars and titrated acids was studied, from biologically active substances, the content of vitamin C and total phenolic was determined. It was found that in the zone of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine from the studied group of varieties, the highest yield potential, 3.13 kg from a bush for the second year of fruiting and fruit mass 2.4 g, had a variety of Canadian breeding ‘Boreal Beauty’. The fruits of the cultivars ‘Duet’ (4.3) and ‘Boreal Blizzard’ (4.5) were distinguished by the balance of taste according to the sugar-acid index, and the maximum amount of total phenolics for the studied group of varieties was accumulated by the fruits of ‘Boreal Beast’ (1,000 mg 100 g-1).

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827-841 O.V. Sviridova, N.I. Vorobyov, E.E. Andronov, O.N. Kurchak, E.P. Chizhevskaya, Ya.V. Pukhalskiy, V.N. Pishchik, S.I. Loskutov and V. Yu. Sitnov
Optimum ratio of complex biological product and fertilize (NPK) and the contribution of fungi and bacteria to the general decomposition and mulching of coniferous wood waste
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Optimum ratio of complex biological product and fertilize (NPK) and the contribution of fungi and bacteria to the general decomposition and mulching of coniferous wood waste

O.V. Sviridova¹, N.I. Vorobyov¹, E.E. Andronov¹, O.N. Kurchak¹, E.P. Chizhevskaya¹, Ya.V. Pukhalskiy¹, V.N. Pishchik¹², S.I. Loskutov³* and V. Yu. Sitnov³

¹All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Podbelsky chausse 3,
RU196608 St. Petersburg, Pushkin 8, Russia
²Agrophysical Research Institute, Grazhdanskiy ave., 14, RU195220 St. Petersburg, Russia
³All-Russian Research Institute for Food Additives - Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of RAS, 55 Liteiny prospect, RU191014 St. Petersburg, Russia
*Corresponding author: Loskutov Svyatoslav spbsl21@gmail.com


The use of a complex biological product (CBP) based on native microbiological consortiums of coniferous forest litter accelerated the composting process of coniferous wood waste. The contribution of micromycetes and bacteria to the activation of coniferous wood waste composting processes using the different fertilizers rates was studied. A fractal analysis has confirmed the formation of a micromycetes-bacterial system in the treatment with optimal rates of NPK and CBP. In this case the better decomposition of wood waste was observed. It was noted that micromycetes of the genus Penicillium dominated in the composts obtained with CBP addition. This compost was not phytotoxic. Thus, for coniferous sawdust decomposition and its further humification, it is necessary to use both micromycetes and bacteria. The use of organic material resulting from wood waste decomposition with CBP and optimal rates of NPK is an effective way to increase the content of organic substances in soils and their potential fertility.

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842-880 Y. Tsytsiura
The influence of agroecological and agrotechnological factors on the generative development of oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg.)
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The influence of agroecological and agrotechnological factors on the generative development of oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg.)

Y. Tsytsiura

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry,
Sonyachna street, 3, UA21008 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Correspondence: yaroslavtsytsyura@ukr.net; yaroslav301974@gmail.com


During the eight-year research period, we determined the peculiarities and regularities of morphological (length and diameter) and anatomical (stem thickness) features of oilseed radish pods considering their location within the generative part of plants for different types of spatial structure of the inflorescence generated in agrocenosises of different densities. We carried out the analysis and statistical grouping of morphological features of oil radish pod in the full range of possible technological options of pre-sowing construction of its agrocenosises, as well as within the selected three zones (tiers) of inflorescence by the nature of variation and variability of morphoparameters pod, namely, lower, middle and upper. We described in detail the stages of pod formation (microstages ВВСН 69-87) considering features of its linear and radial growth, peculiarities of formation of general internal anatomical structure with analysis of mathematical and statistical regularities of changes in these parameters in accordance as per order of its placement within an inflorescence (separately main axis and system of lateral branches). We determined the optimum technological intervals for the construction of oilseed radish agrocenosises, which ensure the combination of appropriate levels of morphometry formation of its fruit elements with the predicted level of reproductive effort and seed productivity. We made a general assessment of the peculiarities of formation of pod technological effectiveness in terms of ease of threshing and possible losses of seeds depending on the complex of factors under study.

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881-892 S. Zeipina, I. Alsina and L. Lepse
Influence of agroecological factors on biologically active compounds in globe artichoke heads
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Influence of agroecological factors on biologically active compounds in globe artichoke heads

S. Zeipina¹*, I. Alsina² and L. Lepse¹

¹Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies, Institute of Horticulture,
Graudu street 1, LV-3701 Dobele, Latvia
²Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies, Faculty of Agriculture,
Liela street 2, LV-3001 Jelgava, Latvia
*Correspondence: solvita.zeipina@llu.lv


The composition of biologically active compounds in plants depends on the climate and growing conditions, cultivar properties, plant development stage, harvesting time and other factors. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of agroecological factors on the composition of biologically active compounds in globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (L.) Fiori) heads. The experiment was carried out under open field conditions in the Institute of Horticulture, in Pūre Research centre during the vegetation period of 2015 and 2016. The experiment was arranged in two different soils: brown soil with residual carbonates and the soil strongly altered by cultivation and used two types of seed treatment (without vernalisation, with vernalisation). The quality was evaluated at each harvest time during the all vegetation period. Significant influence of the tested factors on the biochemical content of heads was stated on the content of phenols (73–213 mg GAE 100 g-1 fresh weight) and vitamin C in artichoke heads
(5–20 mg 100 g-1 fresh weight). Pigments, flavonoids and antiradical activity was not significantly influenced by the tested factors.  A slight tendency on producing a higher content of biologically active compounds in more harsh conditions was observed, particularly for phenols and flavonoids.

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