Agronomy Research was established in 2003 by the Faculty of Agronomy, Estonian Agricultural University
Aims and Scope:
Agronomy Research is a peer-reviewed international Journal intended for publication of broad-spectrum original articles, reviews and short communications on actual problems of modern biosystems engineering including crop and animal science, genetics, economics, farm- and production engineering, environmental aspects, agro-ecology, renewable energy and bioenergy etc. in the temperate regions of the world.
Copyright & Licensing:
This is an open access journal distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Authors keep copyright and publishing rights without restrictions:
Publishing timeline:
Presently Agronomy Research is published biannually in May and November. In addition, each year special issues are planned on different topics. Each issue will be running issue and all officially accepted manuscripts that have completed necessary publishing steps will be given DOI numbers and hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Running issue concept gives authors the benefit of ‘Zero Waiting Time’ for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published.
Peer-review model:
The journal follows double blind peer-review policy with initial screening on the topic suitability and linguistic quality. The paper is sent to two reviewers (the experts in respective field) to review the paper in the light of journal’s guidelines and features of a quality research paper. For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
Agronomy Research online:
Agronomy Research is available online at
Acknowledgement to Referees:
The Editors of Agronomy Research would like to thank the many scientists who gave so generously of their time and expertise to referee papers submitted to the Journal.
Abstracted and indexed:
SCOPUS, EBSCO, CABI Full Paper and Clarivate Analytics database: (Zoological Records, Biological Abstracts and BIOSIS citation index, AGRIS, ISPI, CAB Abstracts, AGRICOLA (NAL; USA), VINITI, INIST-PASCAL.), DOAJ.
Impact Factor (Scopus): SJR (2022) 0.283 (Q3); CiteScore (2022) 2.3; SNIP (2022) 0.485
Subscription information:
Institute of Technology
Estonian University of Life Sciences
56 Kreutzwaldi St., 51006 Tartu, ESTONIA
E-mail: agronomy.research(at)
General disclaimer:
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and Editors of Agronomy Research assume no responsibility for views, statements and opinions expressed by contributors. Any reference to a pesticide, fertiliser, cultivar or other commercial or proprietary product does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of its use by the author(s), their institution or any person connected with preparation, publication or distribution of this Journal.
Agreement for Authorship:
Submission of a paper to this journal indicates that the author(s) have agreed on the content of the paper. One author should be indicated as corresponding author for all publication related communications. All correspondence and proofs would be sent to the corresponding author, who will be treated as final representative voice for all authors regarding any decision related to manuscript, unless otherwise requested during submission. This journal would not be responsible for any dispute related to authorship of a submitted paper. Any change in the authorship (such as addition or deletion of author(s) or change in the sequence of author list) should be forwarded to the editorial office through a letter signed by all authors before publication of the paper. In absence of any signed letter, approval of ‘Galley proof’ by corresponding author will work as ‘certificate of final agreement of authorship’. Generally any change in the authorship after final publication, is not entertained.
Plagiarism Policy:
The editorial board is very strict regarding plagiarism. The journal believes that taking the ideas and work of others without giving them credit is unfair and dishonest. Copying even one sentence from someone else’s manuscript, or even one of your own that has previously been published, without proper citation is considered plagiarism. The editorial board retains the absolute authority to reject the review process of a submitted manuscript if it is subject to minor or major plagiarism and even may cancel the publication upon the complaint of victim(s) of plagiarism.
All submissions are subject to plagiarism check through URKUND platform.
ISSN 1406-894X