Plant remains distribution quality of different combine harvesters in connection with conservation tillage technologies
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Faculty of Engennering, Department of Agricultural Machines, Kamycka 129, Prague 6 – Suchdol, 165 21, Prague, Czech Republic; *Correspondence:
Conservation tillage technologies are nowadays a part of modern agriculture. These technologies are used in plant production all around the world. Typical feature for these shallow soil tillage technologies is that all plant residues are left on the soil surface or in the treated (tilled) upper soil layer. The plant residues can significantly influence the next plant germination and growth, especially when they are unevenly placed on the field surface. Today’s modern combine harvesters are able to crush and distribute all plant remains quite evenly with satisfactory results but all their mechanisms have to be properly set and sometimes some small improvements have to be done. This paper describes and evaluates the husk and straw distribution quality – the distribution pattern, on two very commonly used combine harvesters – CASE IH and JOHN DEERE. The measurement was carried out on serially manufactured machines without any change on them and with a small improvement on distribution mechanisms. The measurement of husk and straw distribution pattern was carried out on CASE IH combine harvester with an axial threshing system and on John Deere with a conventional tangential threshing system. Thereby it was possible to compare two completely different systems of threshing process and to observe a possible influence on straw and husk distribution quality (distribution pattern). The most important outcome of the measurement of straw and husk distributors’ work quality on combine harvesters is that cross irregularity of husk and straw distribution depends on instantaneous material feedrate through the harvester.
Key words:
combine harvesters, conservation tillage, distribution pattern., plant remains, straw crushing