Performance of wind-solar integrated grid connected energy system
¹Department of Energy Engineering, Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences, 56 Kreutzwaldi Str., EE51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail:
²Department of Natural Resources & Environment (Chania), Technological Education Institute of Crete, P.O. Box 1939, GR 71004, Iraklio, Crete, Greece;
In this work the system of wind generator and PV panel connected to the grid is discussed. The unit wind generator and indicative solar data converted to relative values were used. The ratio between energy amount going to the grid and produced energy was analysed for different energy demands in case of varying wind power levels and solar irradiation intensities. In case of produced and consumed in site yearly energy is equal, the amount of energy supplied to grid and consumed is approximately equal to 50% of energy production. With the increase of wind energy part, this ratio diminishes. Wind – PV panels’ solution is most effective in case of energy selling to the grid at low demand periods. The possibility of Photovoltaic Geographical Information System ;PVGIS) database application for solar data modelling was also analysed. For summer months the differences between the PVGIS database and measured data from Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (EMHI) do not exceed 5%, though in winter months it reaches 25%. But as on the latitude of Estonia the PV panels’ energy production in winter is marginal compared to summer then its influence on the energy balance is very small.
Key words:
consumption factor, solar database, wind power penetration