Tag Archives: control unit.

577-584 T. Kotek,, M. Kotek, P. Jindra and M. Pexa
Determination of the optimal injection time for adaptation SI engine on E85 fuel using self-designed auxiliary control unit
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Determination of the optimal injection time for adaptation SI engine on E85 fuel using self-designed auxiliary control unit

T. Kotek¹,*, M. Kotek², P. Jindra² and M. Pexa¹

¹Czech University of Life Science Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Quality and Dependability of Machines, Kamýcká 129, CZ16521 Prague, Czech republic; *Correspondence: kotek@oikt.czu.cz
²Czech University of Life Science Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Vehicles and Ground Transport, Kamýcká 129, CZ16521 Prague, Czech republic


Article deals with problems of the operation of spark ignition combustion engine on high-percentage of blend bioethanol. The aim of the experiment was to find the optimal value of injection time of the engine injection valves with respect to the adaptive ability of the original engine control unit (ECU) when using a special auxiliary control unit (ACU) was adjusted injection time. Special dynamic driving cycle has been designed to assess the effects of prolonged injection time on the adaptive abilities of the ECU that stemmed from a real recording vehicle’s rides with the same engine as was used in conducted experiments. The results proved that by changing the extension of the period of injection occurs a gradual adaptation of the original ECU, but this adaptation is gradual and underway predominantly in modes functional closed-loop control, thus in modes of low to medium of loads. Results of the experiment provide determination of the efficient frontier of the percentage extension injection time with regard to adaptive abilities of original ECU.

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