Tag Archives: crumb

1401–1413 L. Nilova, S. Malyutenkova and I. Kruchina-Bogdanov
The impact of plant powders on acrylamide content in bakery products
Abstract |

The impact of plant powders on acrylamide content in bakery products

L. Nilova¹*, S. Malyutenkova¹ and I. Kruchina-Bogdanov²

¹Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, Graduate School of Service and Trade, Novorossiyskaya street 50, RU194021 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
²AMT, Ltd, Novorossiyskaya street 50, RU194021 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: nilova_l_p@mai.ru


This work is devoted to studying acrylamide (ACR) formation and the changes in its levels display during the storage in bakery products (BP) made of wheat flour enriched with plant powders (in the optimal amounts established earlier): blueberry – 3%; pine nut – 6%; rowan – 5%; sea buckthorn – 5%. BP were baked at two temperatures – 220 and 200 °C. ACR level was determined with the use of ‘Kapel 105 M’ capillary electrophoresis system in various BP parts (crust, sub-crust layer, crumb) 3 and 24 hours after baking. ACR formation differed in different BP layers. All plant powders slowed down its formation in the crust and the sub-crust layer. The process was influenced by formation of heterocyclic compounds (lactams) as a result of the Maillard reaction. In the crumb, ACR formation depended on the type of the used plant powder. In BP cooked with blueberry and rowan powders, the ACR level decreased, while in BP cooked with sea buckthorn and pine nut powders, it increased in comparison with other layers. Lowering the baking temperature helped to decrease acrylamide formation by 15–20% in the crumb and by 25–35% in the crust. After storing BP for 24 hours, a decrease in the ACR level was found, mainly in the crust and crumb. The intake of ACR in the human body of 70 kg when used with 100 g of BP enriched with plant powders will come to 0.16–0.2 μg. Lowering the baking temperature will decrease ACR level by 3–6%.

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