Tag Archives: DAP.

109-114 J. Krupička, P. Šařec and P. Novák
Measurement of electrical conductivity of DAP fertilizer
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Measurement of electrical conductivity of DAP fertilizer

J. Krupička*, P. Šařec and P. Novák

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Kamycka 129, 16521 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic; *Correspondence: krup@tf.czu.cz


Paper deals with the measurement of electrical conductivity of significant size groups of mineral fertilizer DAP divided in the air stream. Samples of these groups were dissolved in distilled water and the values of electrical conductivity recorded. Measurements will be used to monitor the electrical conductivity of other mineral fertilizers and to create a standard for qualitative assessment of fertilizer solutions.

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