Tag Archives: emission control

533–539 H. Marušková and K. Pluhař
Quantitative research SME and STK in the Czech Republic
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Quantitative research SME and STK in the Czech Republic

H. Marušková* and K. Pluhař

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of
Vehicles and Ground Transport, Kamýcká 129, CZ 165 21 Prague 6, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: maruskova@tf.czu.cz


The article deals with the emission control stations (SME) and technical inspection stations (STK) in the Czech Republic. The increasing number of vehicles and their operational age has significant impact on these stations. The nowadays situation in the both stations does not react adequately to the changing conditions. The use of quantitative research, which was conducted through an Internet poll in September 2015, obtained responses from SME and STK staff, as well as from the public. The questionnaire didn’t show substantial dissatisfaction with the current controls on SME and STK and there is no urgent need for immediate and major changes, but rather the need for continuous improvement and better control on SMEs, at least as at STK, i.e. the introduction of a central information database (preferably shared by STK and SME) and a camera system for better control. The cardinal question is not whether the existing emission checks on vehicles in no-load mode of the engines are able to detect all faults.

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