Tag Archives: engine parameters

167–173 B. Peterka, M. Pexa, J. Čedík and Z. Aleš
The influence of biobutanol on performance parameters of mobile generator
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The influence of biobutanol on performance parameters of mobile generator

B. Peterka, M. Pexa, J. Čedík* and Z. Aleš

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department for
Quality and Dependability of Machines, Kamycka 129, CZ 165 21 Prague 6,
Czech Republic; *Correspondence: cedikj@tf.czu.cz


The expansion of biofuel also affects the area of using small internal combustion engines, which are widely used in municipal equipment such as minitractors,  chainsaws, mowers and brush cutters. These small engines have their specific  operation conditions, especially given by high operating speeds and high loads. Current legislation for fuel BA 95 prescribes the addition of ethanol. The percentage is however very small nearly not affecting the operation of combustion engines. The paper is focused on biobutanol since it is considered as more advanced type of alcohol based fuel than bioethanol. The measurement is focused on a small combustion engine of portable generator with maximum power of 2.5 kW. There is monitored influence of biobutanol on their performance parameters. As the mixing ratios are in the range of 100% fuel BA 95 (without ethanol) to 100% biobutanol.

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