Tag Archives: furniture industry

388–394 M. Dąbrowska-Salwin, D. Raczkowska and A. Świętochowski
Physical properties of wastes from furniture industry for energy purposes
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Physical properties of wastes from furniture industry for energy purposes

M. Dąbrowska-Salwin*, D. Raczkowska and A. Świętochowski

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Production Engineering, Department of Agricultural and Forest Machinery, Nowoursynowska 166, PL02-787 Warsaw, Poland *Correspondence: magdalena_dabrowska@sggw.pl


The aim of the study was to determine the physical properties such as moisture content, particle size distribution, density and calorific value of wastes from wood-based boards and to determine their suitability for energy purposes. The tested material included wastes from tooling fibreboards (MDF) and raw (PWP) and laminated (PWO) chipboards. Tests were conducted according to the standards. The materials from wastes after mechanical boards tooling were characterized by a similar low moisture content. The geometric mean of particle size values were 0.38 mm, 0.64 mm and 0.57 mm, respectively for MDF, PWO and PWP. The particle size distributions were right-hand skewed and non-aligned. It was found that the prevailing share had the smallest fraction and its largest share had wastes from MDF. Regarding to the high calorific value and low moisture content and high bulk density, it could be stated that the wastes from furniture industry are a good raw materials for energy purposes. These wastes can be combusted at proper conditions of this process.

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