Tag Archives: hydration

127-145 O. Ignatenko, N. Moiseichenko, D. Makarova, H. Trokhymchuk, V. Vasylenko, O. Havryliuk, O. Kishchak, Y. Honcharuk and V. Hrusha
Adaptability of apricot varieties in the Right-Bank Subzone of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
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Adaptability of apricot varieties in the Right-Bank Subzone of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

O. Ignatenko¹, N. Moiseichenko¹, D. Makarova¹, H. Trokhymchuk¹, V. Vasylenko¹, O. Havryliuk²*, O. Kishchak¹, Y. Honcharuk¹ and V. Hrusha¹

¹Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, 23 Sadova Str., UA03027 Novosilky, Kyiv Region, Ukraine
²National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony Str., 13, UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
*Correspondence: o.havryliuk@nubip.edu.ua


The research reveals the main reasons that prevent the extension of commercial apricot plantations in Ukraine and worldwide. This brief description includes eight cultivars from Ukrainian and foreign breeding programmes. The trials conducted in the Right-Bank subzone of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The plants from Ukrainian breeding programme ‘Melitopolskyi Ranniі’, ‘Botsadivskyi’, ‘Siaivo’, ‘Kumir’, ‘Osoblyvyi Denysiuka’, as well as the foreign one – ‘Robada’, ‘Harogem’, ‘HJA-19’, were distinguished by high adaptability to the complex of adverse overwintering factors in the above-mentioned region. These samples did not lose the acquired level of frost resistance under the influence of provoking thaws. A comprehensive assessment of drought resistance, based on water-holding capacity, turgor recovery degree, water deficiency, and leaves’ hydration of the presented varieties, established that all variants of the experiment were not inferior to the best popular cultivars. According to the the biological feature of buds’ formation at an early age, the cultivars ‘Robada’ and ‘HJA-19’ were characterized as early-fruiting. The yield and quality indicators for the 2021–2022 years of research were evaluated. Average fruit weight was noted in all samples, with the cultivar ‘Siaivo’ exceeding the average. To improve the assortment and enrich the apricot gene pool collections with the best samples suitable for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine, according to the results of the study, the following researched cultivars were included in the collection of valuable samples of the common apricot gene pool of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: ‘Melitopolskyi Ranniі,’ ‘Botsadivskyi,’ ‘Siaivo,’ and ‘Osoblyvyi Denysiuka’. These cultivars are sources of productivity and adaptability to abiotic factors of cultivation (winter and frost resistance, drought resistance). They are certified by the National Center of Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine.

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1419–1425 L. Tsirulnichenko,, I. Potoroko, O. Krasulya, I. Gudina
Increasing the level of hydration of biopolymers in meat processing systems based on the use of acoustically activated brines
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Increasing the level of hydration of biopolymers in meat processing systems based on the use of acoustically activated brines

L. Tsirulnichenko¹,*, I. Potoroko¹, O. Krasulya², I. Gudina¹

¹ South Ural State University, Higher School of Medicine and Biology, Department of Food and Biotechology, 85 Lenina Avenue, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Russia
² Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy, Department of regulation of raw food products and examination of goods, 73, Zemlyanoy Val, 109004, Moscow, Russia
*Correspondence: linchikz@mail.ru


The study aims to develop effective ways to improve the level of protein hydration of poultry. We studied the chemistry of the process of moisture binding by minced meat produced from pectoral and femoral muscles of broiler chickens. The reference brines were prepared from potable water and the test brines were sonicated. The samples which were held for a predetermined time and evaluated for structural integrity and heat treatment losses. The parameter values shown in the experimental session turned out to be higher in comparison with that shown in the reference session. A positive effect of ultrasound on the increase of hydration properties of poultry proteins and reduction of brine treatment time by more than 2 times and reduction of losses during heat treatment by 10% were recorded.

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