Tag Archives: occupational health and safety

681-686 V. Siirak, P. Tint and A. Traumann
Some practical applications of e-learning in OHS and ergonomics in higher education
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Some practical applications of e-learning in OHS and ergonomics in higher education

V. Siirak*, P. Tint and A. Traumann

Department of Work Environment and Safety, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, EE19086 Tallinn, Estonia;
*Correspondence: virve.siirak@ttu.ee


Abstract. The  computer  based  e-learning  in  Moodle  environment  and  other  computer applications in the teaching of occupational health and safety (OHS) are investigated. The social constructivist  learning  theory  is  effective  method  for  teaching  and  learning  of  OHS  and ergonomics  issues  in  the  university  education.  The  computer  programme  for  determination  of the  safety  level  at  enterprise  is  presented.  The  simple  computer  applications  are  very  suitable educational  tools  for  e-learning  of  OHS  and  ergonomics.  They  could  be  also  used  by  the employers  of  small  and  medium-sized  enterprises.  The  scope  of  practical  applications  of  e-learning in OHS and ergonomics in higher education is analysed on the basis of the scientific literature and analysing the methods used in the EU.

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