Tag Archives: plant residues

2282-2302 V. Zubko, H. Roubík, O. Zamora and T. Khvorost
Analysis and forecast of performance characteristics of combine harvesters
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Analysis and forecast of performance characteristics of combine harvesters

V. Zubko¹*, H. Roubík², O. Zamora³ and T. Khvorost⁴

¹Sumy National Agrarian University, Engineering and Technology Faculty, Department of Tractors, Agricultural Machinery and Transport Technologies, H. Kondratiieva street 160, UA40020 Sumy, Ukraine
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Department of Sustainable Technologies, Kamýcká street 129, CZ165 00 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
³Sumy State University, Educational-Research Institute of Business Technologies “UABS”, International Economics Department, Petropavlivska street 57, UA40030 Sumy, Ukraine
⁴Sumy National Agrarian University, Engineering and Technology Faculty, Department of Department of Occupational Safety and Physics, H. Kondratiieva street 160, UA40020 Sumy, Ukraine
*Correspondence: zubkovladislav@ukr.net


This article presents results of an experimental research of qualitative indicators of the modern combine harvesters (Case IH Axil Flow 8230, MasseyFergusonMFT7, JohnDeereS680i, ClaasLexion760, NewHolland CR9.80) used for winter wheat harvesting. Based on the results obtained, determination was made regarding the productivity of combine harvesters on the field, fuel consumption, and field conditions influence the grain loss and grain damage caused by a harvester. When conducting the experimental research of a combine’s performance on the field, a study of the effectiveness of the combine JohnDeereS680i was made on different modes. A program ‘Machine Unit’, designed by the authors, was used for the determination of productivity, fuel consumption and quality indicator for harvesting.

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89-96 E. Šarauskis,, K. Romaneckas, A. Sakalauskas, E. Vaiciukevičius,K. Vaitauskiene, D. Karayel and R. Petrauskas
Theoretical analysis of interaction of disc coulters and straw residues under no-tillage conditions
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Theoretical analysis of interaction of disc coulters and straw residues under no-tillage conditions

E. Šarauskis¹,*, K. Romaneckas², A. Sakalauskas¹, E. Vaiciukevičius¹,K. Vaitauskiene¹, D. Karayel³ and R. Petrauskas¹

¹Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Aleksandras StulginskisUniversity, Studentu 15A, LT-53361 Akademija, Kauno distr., Lithuania;
*Correcpondence: egidijus.sarauskis@asu.lt
²Institute of Agroecosystems and Soil Science, Aleksandras StulginskisUniversity, Studentu 11, LT-53361 Akademija, Kauno distr., Lithuania;
³Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, AkdenizUniversity, TR-07058 Antalya, Turkey


The article presents the theoretical aspects of disc coulters working process under no-tillage conditions. Under no-tillage conditions, effective operation of disc coulters is impededby plant residues. In the interaction of a disc coulter, plant residues and soil surface, the disccoulter may cut the plant residues, roll over them or press them into the furrow being formed inthe soil. The objective of the research is to theoretically study the process of straw cutting bydisc coulters under no-tillage conditions and to substantiate the main parameters acting upon thecutting force. Theoretical studies established the dependency according to each the extent of thestraw cutting force depends on the disc coulter blade sharpening angle, blade thickness and disccoulter blade length, straw normal stresses, friction coefficient, elastic modulus, straw diameter,its compression path, and other parameters. On the basis of calculations, it was found that if thedisc coulter blade sharpening angle is increased by one degree, the cutting force sufficient to cutwheat straw can be reduced by 6.5 N, and reducing the disc coulter blade thickness by onemillimetre would allow reducing the cutting force by 12.5 N.

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