Tag Archives: pure photosynthesis productivity

608–620 A. Panfilova, M. Korkhova, V. Gamayunova, M. Fedorchuk, A. Drobitko, N. Nikonchuk and O. Kovalenko
Formation of photosynthetic and grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depend on varietal characteristics and plant growth regulators
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Formation of photosynthetic and grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depend on varietal characteristics and plant growth regulators

A. Panfilova*, M. Korkhova, V. Gamayunova, M. Fedorchuk, A. Drobitko, N. Nikonchuk and O. Kovalenko

Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agricultural technologies, 73 Karpenko street, UA54021 Mykolayiv, Ukraine
*Correspondence: panfilovaantonina@ukr.net


The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of the barley treatment crops with modern retrograde preparations on the background of the mineral fertilizers introduction into the photosynthetic activity of crops and grain yield. The experiments were carried out in 2013 -2017 on the southern black soil in the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe. On the basis of the study results, it was determined that the introduction of irrigated fertilizer barley in a dose of N30P30 (background) under pre-sowing cultivation and the application of extra-root crop supplements at the phases beginning of the barley outflow straw into the tube and the organoleptic fermentation of Organic D2 and natural microbial complex Escort – Bio creates favorable conditions for the formation at the optimal levels of photosynthetic parameters and grain yield. Thus, on average, over the years of research and by factor variety, grain yield on these experimental variants was 3.37–3.41 t ha-1, which exceeded its level on uncontrolled control by 0.71–0.75 t ha-1 or 26.7–28.2%. Based on the study results, the use of modern regenerating agents against the background of mineral fertilizers can be recommended as an expedient and effective measure of spring barley raising the productivity.

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