Testing of ISM band at remotes for unlocking vehicles
¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Vehicles and Ground Transport, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: janhart77@gmail.com
Every modern car has a remote control for wireless unlocking. Wireless drivers for unlocking the vehicle using frequency in the ISM bands. ISM bands are unlicensed bands. They are usually used for industrial, medical and scientific purposes. The question is whether wireless transmission parameters are sufficient and do not violate defined range of ISM band. Another important aspect is the security of the wireless transmissions and any other signal interference. The problem of interference plays an important role in ensuring the quality and safety of wireless communications, especially when wireless networks can be found everywhere. The issues of remote control vehicles is very important due to the resulting security of a guarded vehicle. One of the major risks that may occur are data transmission that the signal is blocked by another signal and the end user does not notice. In this case, does not lock the vehicle nor ensuring its securing security system. Tests which were performed accurately determined the bandwidth of broadcast remote control for each vehicle. Vehicles for which the tests were conducted are standard vehicles used to frequent occurrence. These are the following types: Alfa Romeo, Hyundai, Mercedes, Škoda and Toyota. Subsequently, the analysis was performed of transmission compared with standard broadcast of jammers. All test drivers worked in the band ISM433. These tests clearly demonstrated that not every manufacturer strictly observes ranges of ISM band. This may affect traffic on surrounding licensed bands.
Key words:
interference, measuring, Remotes, vehicle, wireless transmission