Tag Archives: resistant varieties

523-536 S. Polishchuk, L. Holyk, N. Havryliuk, L. Kuzmenko, M. Shtakal, N. Tkachenko, V. Bulgakov, S. Ivanovs and A. Rucins
Resistance of the soft winter wheat varieties to pests and their productivity in the northern forest-steppe zone
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Resistance of the soft winter wheat varieties to pests and their productivity in the northern forest-steppe zone

S. Polishchuk¹, L. Holyk¹, N. Havryliuk¹, L. Kuzmenko¹, M. Shtakal¹, N. Tkachenko¹, V. Bulgakov², S. Ivanovs³ and A. Rucins³*

¹National Scientific Centre, Institute of Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine, 2 b, Mashinobudivnikiv Str., Chabany vil., Kyiv - Svyatoshin Dist., UA 08162 Kyiv Region, Ukraine
²National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroiv Oborony Str., UA 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
³Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Institute of Engineering and Energetics, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Ulbroka Research Centre, 1 Instituta Str., LV 2130 Ulbroka, Ropazu Region, Stopinu Municipality, Latvia
*Correspondence: adolfs.rucins@lbtu.lv


There are highlighted the results of research in order to determine the field and laboratory resistance of the winter wheat varieties in a competitive variety testing at the National Scientific Centre Institute of Agriculture of NAAS (2016–2020) against pests, and the level of their productivity is assessed. Among the studied varieties of winter wheat, varieties with complex resistance were found: to cereal aphids, wheat thrips powdery mildew and brown leaf rust – variety Efektna; to cereal aphids, wheat thrips and leaf rust – varieties Polisianka, Pyriatynka, Krasunia Poliska, Vodohrai, Kesariia Poliska, Myroliubna, Romanivna, Pamiati Hirka, and standard Lisova Pisnia St. When varieties were grown without the use of fungicides, insecticides and growth regulators, their yield varied over the years from 2.99 t ha–1 to 10.71 t ha–1. The best varieties of soft winter wheat in terms of their productivity were identified in the northern Forest – Steppe zone, which are included in the State Register of the plant varieties, suitable for distribution in Ukraine – Kesariia Poliska (7.67 t ha–1), Pyriatynka (7.10 t ha–1), Myroliubna (7.08 t ha–1), Merezhka (6.77 t ha–1), Kraeivyd (6.71 t ha–1), Pamiati Hirka (6.61 t ha–1), Polisianka (6.51 t ha–1) and Efektna (6.36 t ha–1). Consequently, with proper selection of the winter wheat varieties, it is possible to significantly limit the harmfulness of pests and diseases, to reduce the amount of the used pesticides, to increase the grain productivity, and to improve its commercial and seed quality.

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267-290 F. Elwahab, M. Sedki, N. Brhadda and R. Ziri
Review of agronomic and genetic diversity of Moroccan rice varieties, and their resistance to blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae)
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Review of agronomic and genetic diversity of Moroccan rice varieties, and their resistance to blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae)

F. Elwahab¹²*, M. Sedki², N. Brhadda¹ and R. Ziri¹

¹University Ibn Toufail, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory of Plant, Animal, and Agro-Industry Productions, B.P. 242, 14000 Kenitra, Morocco
²Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Kenitra, B.P. 257, 14000 Kenitra, Morocco
*Correspondence: fathalah.elwahab@.uit.ac.ma


The study on agronomic and genetic characteristics of rice has given us scope to select varieties with desirable characteristics to mitigate various constraints. Rice (Oryza sativa) is the staple food for half of the world’s population. However, its production is hampered by a variety of biological constraints. The Blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae) is an important rice disease, and one of the most effective control methods is to use resistant varieties. Study areas in Morocco include the Gharb plains. For all methods, cultural practises like soil levelling seem to be important, but biological control is not widely adopted due to cost, efficacy, and climatic conditions. The bibliographic synthesis was carried out in this context with the main goals of contributing to a better understanding of rice cultivation in Morocco; to identify and characterise the structure of the rice blast pathogen (Pyricularia oryzae), which will allow us to characterise the effects of rice blast; and to research on the Gharb rice field, which resulted in resistant varieties, which will potentially allow producers to have resistant varieties to overcome the diseases. The introduction and development of new rice varieties with high agronomic and socioeconomic value; the selection of lines with high yield, good grain quality, and precocity that are adapted to Moroccan conditions; as well as the development of new lines from Moroccan rice, are among the specific goals.

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