Tag Archives: sodium alginate

2156-2168 E.N. Shcherbakova, A.V. Shcherbakov, P.Yu. Rots, L.N. Gonchar, S.A. Mulina, L.M. Yahina, Yu.V. Lactionov and V.K. Chebotar
Inoculation technology for legumes based on alginate encapsulation
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Inoculation technology for legumes based on alginate encapsulation

E.N. Shcherbakova¹*, A.V. Shcherbakov¹, P.Yu. Rots², L.N. Gonchar³, S.A. Mulina¹, L.M. Yahina¹, Yu.V. Lactionov¹ and V.K. Chebotar¹

¹All-Russia research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Shosse Podbelskogo 3, RU196608 Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia
²Biocad Biotechnology Company, Sviazi street 34, Strelna, RU198515 St. Petersburg,
³National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Plant Science Department, Heroyiv Oborony street 15, UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
*Correspondence: alonagonchar@mail.ru


The main purpose of seeds inoculation is to provide the sufficient number of viable efficient bacteria that are able to actively colonize the plant roots immediately after germination. One of the promising forms of bacterial preparations is cells encapsulation in the polymer gel. Advantages of using alginate microspheres are slow, controlled release of bacteria, biodegradation in the soil and an increased shelf life. As a result of this study the effectiveness of using capsulated biopreparation was established to increase the nitrogen-fixing potential of legumes. The advantage in colonization activity is shown in comparison with other forms of the biopreparations due to the slow release of rhizobium from the capsules. The optimal composition for formulation is established which ensures the storage of biopreparation for more than 1 year. The prospect of using encapsulated biopreparations under adverse environmental conditions and for joint application with chemical pesticides and agrochemicals is analyzed.

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