Tag Archives: SWOT

1077-1088 L. Aleksejeva, L. Zihare and M. Pelse
Assessment of the Resilience of the Organic Food System
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Assessment of the Resilience of the Organic Food System

L. Aleksejeva¹, L. Zihare² and M. Pelse¹

¹Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Economics and
Social Development, Institute of Economics and Finance, 18 Svetes Str., LV-3001 Jelgava, Latvia
²Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, 14 Struktoru Str., LV-1039 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: lauma.zihare@arei.lv


The organic food system is a component of sustainable food systems, which contributes to achieving the goals of the Farm to Fork strategy. The current statistical data reveal the first indications of failing to achieve strategic goal 9 of the CAP Strategic Plan for 2023–2027 and the goal of the Farm to Fork strategy in Latvia. This creates a need for a comprehensive assessment of the organic food system. The present research aims to identify the need to increase the resilience of the organic food system in Latvia. One of the decision analysis methods – SWOT analysis – was employed to comprehensively assess the organic food system. It was concluded that in order to increase the resilience of the organic food system in Latvia, it is primarily necessary to stimulate the demand for organic food by the public catering industry through GPP (green public procurement) procedures. An equally important need is to stimulate the supply of organic food (to contribute to both the transition to organic farming and the resilience of current economic operators in the organic farming scheme, as well as to foster organic processing). To mitigate the threats, policy makers need to review support rates applicable to organic farming, as well as promote knowledge transfer between all food supply chain actors.

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143–149 R. Mieldažys, E. Jotautienė, A. Pocius and A. Jasinskas
Analysis of organic agricultural waste usage for fertilizer production
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Analysis of organic agricultural waste usage for fertilizer production

R. Mieldažys*, E. Jotautienė, A. Pocius and A. Jasinskas

Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of
Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Studentu g. 15b, LT-53361, Akademija, Lithuania
*Correspondence: ramunas.mieldazys@asu.lt


Waste management, especially biodegradable (organic) waste, is highly relevant in agriculture. Increasing the intensity of agricultural production inevitably increases pollution of soil, water and air due to chemical, biological and other effects because of untidy agricultural waste. Currently there is a search for new and more rational ways to use waste for new forms of energy, making fertilizer, building materials and other products. One of the processes of biodegradable waste management is pelleting; i.e., the processing of recyclable materials into organic ecological products.
The SWOT analysis-expert, literature survey methods were used for the analysis of animal and plant origin organic agricultural waste’s suitability for production of fertilizer. The analysis has shown that the granulation of animal waste allows making better use of nutrients, significantly reduces the amount of fertilizer needed to be deposited into the soil and reduces the cost of storing, transportation and spreading into the soil. SWOT analysis motivated the need for further research of manure waste and its pelletizing.

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