The prevention of harmful gases and odours dispersion by biofiltration in the animal farm
Namık Kemal University. Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biosystem Engineering, Suleymanpasa, TR 59030 Tekirdag, Turkey
Animal farms are have to be controlled regarding to environmental issues beacuse of their waste’s effects. Dispersion of harmful gases and odour is some most important effect of animal waste. Decomposition of animal waste may cause dispersion of harmful gases such as ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc. and odours. Harmful gases and odours impact on human and animal welfare negatively. Biofiltration is a technique used to prevent the dispersion of harmful gases and odour on animal farms. Especially some animal production types such as swine and poultry farms may cause great problem in terms of harmful gases and odour, so biofiltration has been seen as an effective method treating polluted air in these farms. The process of biofiltration is conducted based on biological degradation of pollutants. The bed materials such as litter, mulch and woodchips etc. are used in biofiltration to ensure microbiological environment. In this study, it was purposed to give information about the biofiltration, its basic principles and usage on animal farms based on conducted researches.
Key words:
animal waste, biofilters, environmental problems, treatment