Tag Archives: waste biomass

370-400 I. Berzina, S. Raita, M. Kalnins, K. Spalvins and I. Kuzmika
In search of the best technological solutions for creating edible protein-rich mutants: a multi-criteria analysis approach
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In search of the best technological solutions for creating edible protein-rich mutants: a multi-criteria analysis approach

I. Berzina*, S. Raita, M. Kalnins, K. Spalvins and I. Kuzmika

Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes street 12/1, LV 1048, Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: Indra.Berzina@rtu.lv


Single-cell protein (SCP) is a promising alternative for replacing plant and animal-derived dietary proteins. SCP contains essential nutrients and high levels of essential amino acids (AA). Given the versatility of microbial strains and waste substrates that can be used as feedstocks, many variations of production processes can be explored. Improving these microorganism strains by enhancing their properties and productivity is vital to increasing SCP competitiveness. One of the options to enhance microorganism strains would be by creating mutants with better AA profiles. By using mutagenesis and AA inhibitors it should be possible the create novel strains with improved AA-producing properties. The use of AA inhibitors to promote selective pressure on SCP-producing strains is a novel concept and is not a widely explored approach, therefore, the further development of this method should be explored. This paper used a multi-criteria decision analysis method to evaluate different technological factors vital for creating protein-rich mutants. These factors are microorganism strains, agro-industrial waste substrates used as process feedstocks, AA inhibitors, and mutagenesis methods. Microorganisms Candida utilis and Bacillus subtilis showed the highest potential for being used. Molasses was the ‘closest to the ideal’ substrate to be used as feedstock for SCP production. As the most promising mutagenesis method ethyl methane sulphonate was selected. Glufosinate ammonium and methionine sulfoximine for both bacteria and fungi were identified as the best inhibitors for SCP-rich mutant selection. Identified combinations of optimal solutions for microorganisms, substrates, inhibitors, and mutagenesis techniques should be further investigated and evaluated in laboratory settings. This could help to increase SCP’s competitiveness as a sustainable protein source.

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1493-1508 K. Spalvins, K. Ivanovs and D. Blumberga
Single cell protein production from waste biomass: review of various agricultural by-products
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Single cell protein production from waste biomass: review of various agricultural by-products

K. Spalvins*, K. Ivanovs and D. Blumberga

Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes street 12/1, LV 1048, Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: kriss.spalvins@rtu.lv


Agricultural waste constitutes for most of the manmade waste streams. Processing of biodegradable waste materials ensures the treatment of harmful substances and allows to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, conversion of these waste materials in value-added products makes these recycling methods more economically viable. Single-cell protein is one of the value-added products that can be produced by microbial fermentation of waste materials. In this review various biodegradable agricultural by-products as substrates for production of SCP are categorized and compared.

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656-668 A. Brunerová, H. Roubík, M. Brožek and J. Velebil
Agricultural residues in Indonesia and Vietnam and their potential for direct combustion: with a focus on fruit processing and plantation crops
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Agricultural residues in Indonesia and Vietnam and their potential for direct combustion: with a focus on fruit processing and plantation crops

A. Brunerová¹*, H. Roubík², M. Brožek¹ and J. Velebil³

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Department of Sustainable Technologies, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
³Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 00 Prague, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: brunerova@tf.czu.cz


Energy consumption in Indonesia and Vietnam has grown rapidly in recent decades. To meet the energy needs of both countries, a higher utilisation of waste biomass sources may represent an adequate solution. Investigated samples represent major crop residues (waste biomass) originating mainly from the agriculture sector of the selected countries. Herbaceous waste biomass from Indonesia is, namely, cassava stems and root peelings (Manihot esculenta), coffee leaves (Coffea arabica), cacao leaves (Theobroma cacao), banana leaves (Musa acuminata), bamboo leaves (Bambusoideae spp.) and aloe vera leaves (Aloe vera). Furthermore, fruit and aquatic waste biomass originating from Vietnam is, specifically, sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum officinarum), durian peelings (Durio zibethinus), rambutan peelings (Nephelium lappaceum), banana peelings (Musa acuminata), water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). All mentioned types of waste biomass were subjected to proximate and calorimetric analysis: moisture, ash and volatile matter contents (%) and higher and lower heating values (MJ kg–1). Obtained values indicated the highest level of ash content in fruit biomass samples in the case of sugarcane bagasse (0.84%), in herbaceous biomass in the case of cassava stems (3.14%) and in aquatic biomass in the case of water hyacinth (14.16%). The highest levels of lower heating values were achieved by following samples (best samples from each biomass type): cassava stems (17.5 MJ kg–1); banana peelings (17.3 MJ kg–1) and water hyacinth (12.8 MJ kg–1). The overall evaluation of all observed samples indicated that the best suitability for energy utilisation by direct combustion of investigated representatives is fruit waste biomass, followed by herbaceous waste biomass and then aquatic waste biomass.

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