Tag Archives: barley

1201-1213 B. Khaleghdoust, M. Alaru, M. Korge, K. Esmaeilzadeh Salestani and E. Loit-Harro
Can intercropping alter cereal grains dietary fiber composition?
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Can intercropping alter cereal grains dietary fiber composition?

B. Khaleghdoust, M. Alaru, M. Korge, K. Esmaeilzadeh Salestani and E. Loit-Harro*

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology, Fr.R. Kreutzwaldi 1, EE51014 Tartu, Estonia
*Correspondence: evelin.loit@emu.ee


Barley and oats are essential cereal grains that contribute to satisfying the consumer’s need for dietary fibers, namely arabinoxylans (AX) and beta-glucans (BG). Due to the increasing popularity of intercropping as an environmentally friendly and low-cost approach to sustainable intensification of agriculture and crop production, it is important to understand the relationship between mixed cropping on cereal grains’ dietary fiber content. Therefore, the effect of intercropping barley and oat with vetch and field pea was studied compared to pure sown barley and oat on grain AX and BG content in two successive years (2022‒2023). Our result showed that oat had consistently higher AX content while barley demonstrated greater BG content. Intercropping had an influence only on barley grains’ BG content, but contrary to our hypothesis, intercropping with vetch decreased the overall concentration of BG when compared to barley pure stand, as vetch was a too competitive partner. We found that grain quality parameters, such as thousand kernel weight and test weight, were positively associated with higher BG content in barley grains. Over a two-year period, weather conditions had an impact only on BG content in intercropped treatments. Increased precipitation decreased BG content in oat and barley in 2022 compared to 2023. Both grains AX content was not affected by intercropping or annual growing conditions.

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1213-1220 H.S. Martirosyan, A.R. Mikaelyan, N.L. Asatryan and B.G. Babayan
Assessment of ‘Complex–co’ preparation efficiency for some cereal crops growth stimulation
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Assessment of ‘Complex–co’ preparation efficiency for some cereal crops growth stimulation

H.S. Martirosyan¹, A.R. Mikaelyan¹*, N.L. Asatryan¹ and B.G. Babayan¹²

¹Agrobiotechnology Scientific Center’ Branch of Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU), 1 Isi-Le-Mulino Str., Echmiadzin 1101, Republic of Armenia (RA)
²Armbiotechnology’ Scientific and Production Center (SPC), NAS RA, Gyurjan 14, Yerevan 0056, RA
*Correspondence: aramrmik@yahoo.com


The problem of obtaining environmentally friendly products, which are free from unwanted compounds that are harmful for human health like residual nitrates is very actual. The solution to this problem should be started from the initial stage of crop cultivation: seed disinfection. For that goal the new organic origin preparation ‘Complex-Co’ was used. In current paper the effect of a new plant growth stimulation preparation of complex influence ‘Complex-Co’, was studied on cereal crops cultivation. It was produced by the acidic processing of winemaking waste product: the natural cream of tartar.

Unlike the high risk classical organic and inorganic fertilizers, ‘Complex-Co’ preparation is based on absolutely vital compounds and can be considered ecologically safe. It contains: amino derivatives of natural tartaric acid (TA), coalmine and micro-nutrient elements, which provide the target properties and improve soil behavior. The effect of ‘Complex-Co’ preparation was studied on three common agricultural crops: barley, emmer and triticale. As a result of the experiments and field-trials it was proved as an effective preparation for root and foliar nutrition of crops. After the usage of the elaborated preparation the significant growth stimulation effect was observed for all the tested cereal crops. Also, the disinfection effect of ‘Complex-Co’ preparation was observed for the seeds of the tested plants.

The preparation is being recommended for the further research of its effect on various plants cultivation in farms, greenhouses and orangeries.

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1962-1969 T. Seregina , O. Chernikova, Yu. Mazhaysky and L. Ampleeva
The productivity of spring barley when using cobalt nanoparticles and liquid-phase biological product
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The productivity of spring barley when using cobalt nanoparticles and liquid-phase biological product

T. Seregina¹ , O. Chernikova¹*, Yu. Mazhaysky¹ and L. Ampleeva²

¹Academy of law and management of the Federal penal service of Russia, Sennaya street 1, RU390036 Ryazan, Russia
²Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev, Kostychev street 1, RU390044 Ryazan, Russia
*Correspondence: chernikova_olga@inbox.ru


The purpose of this research is to study the effect of growth activators on the yield and quality of spring barley products. For the most complete disclosure of the potential yield of spring barley against the background of the application of minimal doses of organic fertilizers, cobalt nanoparticles were used, as well as a liquid-phase biological product (LPBP) in various combinations (NPСо, Compost, Compost + NPСо, Compost+ LPBP 1%, Compost+ LPBP 2%, Compost+ LPBP 1%+ NPСо, Compost+ LPBP 2%+ NPСо). The size of cobalt nanoparticles was 40–60 nm, the phase composition – Cо – 100%. A suspension of nanoparticles was obtained by dispersing with ultrasound in an aqueous solution in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions. LPBP is a dark brown liquid with a specific odor, pH = 6.5–7.5, contains N, C, P, K, Ca, Mg, tryptophan, microorganisms. Cobalt nanopowder in solution contained 0.01 g per hectare seeding rate (20 mg l-1), LPBP concentration was 1% and 2%. Compost was used as an organic fertilizer; it consisted of 90% of cattle manure and 10% of poultry manure at a dose of 20 t ha-1. The seeds were soaked 30 minutes before sowing in double distilled water, in a suspension of nanoparticles and LPBP in accordance with the experimental options. The analysis of the results of the research has shown that the studied preparations have a stimulating effect, contribute to an increase in resistance to suboptimal weather conditions, an increase in productivity and product quality. It was noted that the best indicators were obtained with joint pre-sowing treatment of seed material by cobalt nanoparticles with 1% solution of a liquid-phase biological product. Thus, there was an activation of growth processes, the yield increased by 35%, the content of crude protein – by 20.9%, digestible protein – by 10.9%, and crude fat – by 78.8%.

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1364-1372 L. Buša, M. Bērtiņš, A. Vīksna, L. Legzdiņa and D. Kobzarevs
Evaluation of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope ratio measurement data for characterization of organically and conventionally cultivated spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain
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Evaluation of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope ratio measurement data for characterization of organically and conventionally cultivated spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain

L. Buša¹*, M. Bērtiņš¹, A. Vīksna¹, L. Legzdiņa² and D. Kobzarevs¹

¹University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Jelgavas street 1, LV-1004 Riga, Latvia
²Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Priekuli Research Centre, 2 Zinatnes street, LV-4126 Priekuli, Latvia
*Correspondence: lauma.busa@lu.lv


With the growing interest of public in the quality of their consumed food, organic produce has been steadily gaining an important place in everyday menus of our society. The growing demand has boosted organic farming and we have also seen the price difference between organic products and their conventional counterparts. It is important to the public to have security, that the food labelled ‘organic’ has really been grown according to the good practices of organic farming and that it has not received any chemical pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. Stable isotope ratios of crops from different crop management systems can help to answer these questions, as these values depend on the growing conditions, fertilizers used etc. In this study, 10 barley grain samples from conventional and organic crop management systems have been studied. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios have been determined and the element content in the samples has been calculated. Student’s t-test has been performed to evaluate whether the differences between various parameters are significant. For potential clustering and discrimination of organic and conventional grains principal component analysis has been carried out. The PCA showed that no significant clustering can be observed, however the Student’s t-test for δ15N values confirmed that barley grown with green-manure fertilizers are significantly (p < 0.01) enriched with the heavier nitrogen isotope. Furthermore, it has been concluded that the total element content of carbon and nitrogen in barley grains does not correlate with the stable isotope ratios and cannot help with discriminating of these samples.

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2374–2390 A.N. El-Sadek, F.I. Abd EL-Ghany and A.M. Shaalan
Simulating the effect of tillage practices on the yield production of wheat and barley under dryland condition
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Simulating the effect of tillage practices on the yield production of wheat and barley under dryland condition

A.N. El-Sadek¹, F.I. Abd EL-Ghany¹ and A.M. Shaalan²*

¹Ecology and Dry Land Agriculture Division, Desert Research Center, EG11753 El-Matarya, Cairo, Egypt
²Plant Production Department, Faculty of Desert and Environmental Agriculture, Matrouh University, EG51744 Matrouh, Egypt
*Correspondence: ahmedmahgoub@mau.edu.eg


In arid and semiarid regions, soil tillage practices have major effects on soil water dynamics. In this study, we compared the effects of Zero tillage (ZT) and Conventional tillage (CT) on the grain yield of rainfed barley and wheat at three locations i.e. Barrani, El-Neguilla and Matrouh in the north western coast of Egypt. We also tested the performance of the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer). In the first season of 2017/2018, only barley plants in Barrani location were able to grow and produce yield due to insufficient rain. Results showed that ZT produced significantly higher grain yield (almost 200%) for barley as compared to the CT treatment. In the second season of 2018/2019, conventional tillage produced higher yields as compared to the zero tillage treatment over the three studied locations and for the two crops. The DSSAT model successfully simulated the grain yield, total biomass and harvest index with an excellent agreement between simulated and observed data with NSE values of 0.868 and 0.800 for grain yield and total biomass respectively and a satisfactory agreement with NSE of 0.431 in case of harvest index. Tillage had a noticeable impact on grain yield of barley and wheat and the DSSAT successfully simulated the effects of the tillage treatments.

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2079-2087 Y. Kretova, L. Tsirulnichenko, N. Naumenko, N. Popova and I. Kalinina
The application of micro-wave treatment to reduce barley contamination
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The application of micro-wave treatment to reduce barley contamination

Y. Kretova*, L. Tsirulnichenko, N. Naumenko, N. Popova and I. Kalinina

South Ural State University, School of Medical Biology, Department of Food and Biotechnology, 85 Lenin Avenue, RU454080 Chelyabinsk, Russia
*Correspondence: kretova555@mail.ru


The goal of this work is to study the applicability of ultra high frequency electromagnetic field treatment for decontaminating barley grain used in brewing while preserving its technological properties. The germination rates and/or yield of the treated sample seed were compared with those of the untreated seed germinated under normal conditions. To determine optimal treatment conditions, a two-factor analysis was carried out, taking the mycological state of the grain into account. The heating rate and the duration of electromagnetic exposure were chosen as variables; these values varied from 0.4 to 0.8 °C s-1 and from 30 to 90 s, respectively. It was found that germination of the treated barley seed was increased about 10.1–15.7% compared with that of the untreated seed. The microbial load decreased up to 80%. A heating rate of 0.4 °C s-1 and treatment exposure time of 30 s showed the strongest effect of decontamination while preserving the viability of the barley grain.

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2242-2253 M. Zargar, G. Bodner, A. Tumanyan, N. Tyutyuma, V. Plushikov, E. Pakina, N. Shcherbakova and M. Bayat
Productivity of various barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars under semi-arid conditions in southern Russia
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Productivity of various barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars under semi-arid conditions in southern Russia

M. Zargar¹*, G. Bodner², A. Tumanyan¹, N. Tyutyuma³, V. Plushikov¹, E. Pakina¹, N. Shcherbakova³ and M. Bayat¹

¹RUDN University, Institute of Agriculture, Department of AgroBiotechnology, Miklukho-Maklaya steet 6, RU117198 Moscow, Russia
²University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Department of Crop Sciences, Gregor-Mendel-Str. 33, AT1180 Vienna Vienna, Austria
³Near-Caspian Scientific Research Institute of Arid Agriculture, Village Solenoye Zaimische, Severny District 8, RU416251 Astrakhan Region, Russia
*Correspondence: zargar_m@pfur.ru


Drought is a significant factor limiting crop production in arid conditions. In the dry climatic weather situation of southern Russia, ten-year laboratory trials and subsequent field experiments were laid out on various barley varieties collected across the globe during 2007–2017 period. This study was conducted to ascertain from the collection of barley cultivars of the entire world which one is best suited to stressful climatic conditions by being tolerant to drought, heat and salinity which can be adopted for barley breeding. According to the results obtained, the varieties that are tolerant to dry climatic conditions are as follows: Alga (Lithuania), Brenda, Henni (Germany), Décor (Great Britain), Furat 5 (Syria), Vakula (Ukraine), Ataman (Belarus) and Vladimir (Russia); heat resistant varieties are: Brenda (Germany), Alga (Lithuania), Furat 5 (Syria), Ataman (Belarus), Vladimir and Ratnik (Russia); Salt-resistant varieties: Alga (Lithuania), Henni (Germany) and Vladimir (Russia). The selected varieties did not show any sign of adverse weather effect resulting in stable grain productivity throughout the entire duration of this research over the years, they had large grain size and stable 1,000 grains weight. However, the yield of selected cultivars varied over the years which was about 1.1–1.4 t ha-1.

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280–287 P. Sooväli, M. Koppel and T. Kangor
Effectiveness of seed treatment against Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus of spring barley in different conditions
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Effectiveness of seed treatment against Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus of spring barley in different conditions

P. Sooväli*, M. Koppel and T. Kangor

Estonian Crop Research Institute, J. Aamisepa 1, EE48309 Jõgeva, Estonia
*Correspondence: pille.soovali@etki.ee


Effect of fungicide seed treatments on initial growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was evaluated in greenhouse trials. The soil collected from minimum tillage fields where spring barley, spring wheat (Triticum L.) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) have been cultivated in previous growing season were used in trials. Eight fungicide seed treatments and untreated seed as the control were evaluated. Root rot severity and seedling emergence rate were assessed at growth stages 20–22. In addition the incidence of seed-borne Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus and germination were assessed in treated and untreated spring barley seeds in laboratory condition. Fungicides prothioconazole and tebuconazole significantly reduced incidence of seed-borne Fusarium spp. Seed treated with fludioxonil and tebuconazole more effectively decreased root rot infection in soil from minimum tilled barley field, fludioxonil + difenoconazole in soil from minimum tilled spring wheat field and prothioconazole mixes with tebuconazole or fluoxastrobin in soil from minimum tilled oilseed rape field. This study brings out the pre-crop and seed treatment interaction effect on control of root rot in spring barley.

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1249–1260 V. Alle, U. Kondratovics, A. Osvalde and M. Vikmane
Differences in cadmium accumulation and induced changes in root anatomical structures in plants used for food
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Differences in cadmium accumulation and induced changes in root anatomical structures in plants used for food

V. Alle¹*, U. Kondratovics¹, A. Osvalde² and M. Vikmane¹

¹University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Physiology, St. Jelgavas 1, LV-1004 Riga, Latvia
²University of Latvia, Institute of Biology, Laboratory of Plant Mineral Nutrition, St. Miera 3, LV-2169 Salaspils, Latvia
*Correspondence: vita.alle@lu.lv


 A rapid urbanization passes all over the world thus the effect of chemicals, including heavy metals, increases on plants. Heavy metal pollution poses a serious hazard to humans’ health, and it uptake into plants is the primary way through which it can enter the food chain. The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of cadmium (Cd) contamination on plant growth responces, Cd uptake, and changes in the root anatomical structures as species-specific reaction to Cd stress. The vegetation experiment was carried out with monocotyledon Hordeum vulgare L. and dicotyledonous Lactuca sativa L. The plants were grown in quartz sand under controlled optimal growth conditions. Changes in the root structure and Cd accumulation were studied at five levels of Cd added as Cd(NO3)2 4 H2O solution in substrate. The level of Cd in the air-dry plant material was estimated by an atomic absorption spectrometer. To identify structural changes in the plant roots which were caused by Cd accumulation cross sections were cut using microtome and stained with Astra Blue/Safranin for observations using a light microscope. Barley and lettuce growth and development were significantly influenced by increasing the amount of Cd in substrate. There were differences in the ability to accumulate Cd in above-ground plant parts depending on a model object. Substrate contamination with Cd caused significant changes in the root anatomical structures. The obtained results confirmed significance of anatomical and physiological studies to reveal species-specific plant response to Cd stress to avoid heavy metal entrance in the food.

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317–326 N. Borys and A. Küüt
The influence of basic soil tillage methods and weather conditions on the yield of spring barley in forest-steppe conditions
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The influence of basic soil tillage methods and weather conditions on the yield of spring barley in forest-steppe conditions

N. Borys¹* and A. Küüt²

¹National Science Center, Institute of Agriculture NAAS Ukraine,
Mashinostroiteley Str. 2b, UK 08162 habany, Ukraine
²Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Technology, Kreutzwaldi 56,
EE51014 Tartu, Estonia
*Correspondence: agrokaktys@mail.ru


The research on the effect the main methods of soil treatment have on its hydrophysical properties was carried out as a stationary experiment at the National Scientific Centre, Institute of Agriculture NAAS. It included a grain crop rotation with the subsequent crop sequencing: winter wheat/grain maize/barley. In 2013–2015, the spring barley variety ‘Solntsedar’ was sown. Throughout the three years of research, the consistency of the effect of the main soil treatment methods on the overall yield stayed more or less the same. Reduction in barley grain yield against the backdrop of long-term disking at the depth of 10–12 cm is explained by the thickening of the 10–30 cm layer of soil to the critical level of 1.57 g cm-3, moisture deficiency, as a result of the over-compaction of the root layer, and an increase in the amount of sterile spikelets. As the result of our research, we have come to a conclusion that for barley, soil disking at the depth of 10–12 cm is as good as ploughing if it is used as a part of differential treatment system, which includes ploughing at the depth of 28–30 cm or chisel tilling at 43–45 cm for its preceding crops. If disking was used for all crops of the grain crop rotation, a deterioration of hydrophysical properties was observed in the barley field, which can lead to a considerable reduction in the barley yield, especially in a dry cultivation year. 

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