Physicochemical properties and agglomeration parameters of biogas digestate with addition of calcium carbonate
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural and Forestry Machinery,
Faculty of Production Engineering, Nowoursynowska 166, PL02-787 Warsaw, Poland
The aim of the work was to determine the physical properties of digestate from biogas production – either with or without the addition of calcium carbonate and to determine the parameters of its compaction. The material for research was obtained from an agricultural biogas plant specialized in processing cattle manure, vegetable pomace, chicken manure and maize silage. The parameters of compaction of digestate were experimentally determined and its net calorific value was calculated based on the gross calorific value. Physical properties were determined according to standards. The moisture content of liquid digestate was 96%. Mechanical separation allowed to decrease the water content by 19% and addition of 20% of calcium carbonate by 30%. It was found that digestate with addition of calcium carbonate is not suitable to use for energy purposes, because of its low net calorific value (5.2–5.9 MJ kg-1), however it can be used for fertilizer purposes in relation to its chemical composition. Without additives, the net calorific value was 14.9 MJ kg-1, but due to the high moisture content of the raw material it is unprofitable to dry it and burn. On the other hand, it was proved that it is possible to obtain pellets of appropriate density out of the digestate using 40 mm of the die height and 0.3 g of single portion of the material.
Key words:
binder, digestate, energy, fertilizer, pellets