Enrichment of the grains from rye wort after shock-activator-disintegrating processing
¹Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), Lomonosova street 9, RU191002 St. Petersburg, Russia
²Research Institution Research Center 'Kurchatov Institute'- Central Research Institute for Engineering Materials Prometheu, Shpalernaya street 49, RU191015 St. Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: alfirsabirov@gmail.com
In this study, the mode of obtaining grains (pellets) from wort prepared from rye processed by the shock-activator-disintegrator (SAD), has been developed. Additionally, the enrichment of the grains by proteins using the strain of yeast producing proteins was carried out. For cultivation of a pure culture of a strain of yeasts producing proteins, grains with a concentration of 43.00 g 100 g-1 reducing substances and 62.71 mg g-1 of the total amount of amino acid were used. Different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of the grains) of filtrate 24.90% dry matter, 21.00 g 100 g-1 reducing substances and 10.82 mg g-1 of the total amount of free amino acid was added to the grains. As nitrogen and phosphorus-containing mineral feed, diammonium phosphate was added to the nutrient medium. To obtain a pure culture of Candida tropicalis, SK-4 yeast strain was isolated. The content of crude protein and the concentration of amino acids were determined. The morphological state of the cells was assessed. The results of this study show that to prepare the nutrient medium for a pure culture of a strain of protein microorganisms-producers and its cultivation, it is necessary to add 30% of the filtrate to the grains, while the proportion of crude protein in the protein-containing additive reaches more than 40%. The resulting protein-enriched product has a balanced amino acid composition, which is of interest as a protein-containing feed additive and its fine particle size distribution allows its use for feeding farm animals.
Key words:
Candida tropicalis, protein-enriched product, proteolytic enzyme complex, rye filtrate and grains (pellets), shock-activator-disintegrator (SAD)