Tag Archives: carbon dioxide

1056-1067 A. Traumann, V. Urbane, J. Ievinš and P. Tint
The Co-influence of Noise and Carbon Dioxide on Humans in the Work and Living Environment
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The Co-influence of Noise and Carbon Dioxide on Humans in the Work and Living Environment

A. Traumann¹, V. Urbane², J. Ievinš² and P. Tint³*

¹Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Clothing and Textile, Pärnu mnt. 62, EE10135 Tallinn, Estonia
²Riga Technical University, Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management, Institute of General and Civil Safety, Kalnciema 6, LV-1048 Riga, Latvia
³Külasema Village Society, EE94744 Muhu, Saaremaa, Estonia
*Correspondence: info@piiatint.ee


The aim of the paper is to investigate the co-influence of noise and carbon dioxide on people in different situations (inside/outside houses/classrooms) depending on the traffic intensity, the fuel used for heating in residential buildings etc.). All the measurements and the questionnaire have been carried out during the autumn of 2019 (at the mean temperature of 5–10 °C). Riga has a more intensive traffic compared to Tallinn and has greater problems of exceeding the permissible noise levels. The levels of carbon dioxide inside classrooms are also very high in Latvia (1,500–2,000 ppm). The concentration of carbon dioxide outside buildings is low in the forest areas (measured in the south of Estonia), being 340–350 ppm. In regional towns, it is 500 ppm (measured in autumn-winter near a busy street). The co-influence of noise and carbon dioxide on the residents has been investigated by using the Weinstein questionnaire. High carbon dioxide levels cause fatigue. Although it was not particularly pointed out by the residents questioned in a panel house with small apartments, the air was considered to be stuffy. The house is situated near a busy street, so the problems with noise are higher. ANOVA statistics has been used for the questionnaire (p < 0.001, α = 0.93). The decrease of noise and carbon dioxide levels help people stay healthy and the environmental impact from the investigation is emphasising the necessity and providing possibilities to decrease the concentration of CO2 in the ambient air.

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2088-2096 S. Kumar, J. Cerny and P. Kic
Air-conditioning in the cabins of passenger
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Air-conditioning in the cabins of passenger

S. Kumar*, J. Cerny and P. Kic

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: surenderduhan88@gmail.com


The objective of this paper is to analyse the current state of the constructional design and operational conditions of air-conditioning device in passenger cars. The research was focused on the function of air-conditioning equipment of passenger cars Skoda and KIA in various modes of operation during the winter, spring and summer season at different levels of air conditioning (without air-conditioning, minimum, medium and maximum level). Air temperature, air humidity, globe temperature, CO2 concentration, dust concentration and noise inside the cabin were measured. Solar radiation plays a big role to rise up temperature inside the cabin. It resulted in the higher values of globe temperature than temperature of the air. The results of the measurements showed that CO2 values were significantly lower than 2,500 ppm at minimum air-conditioning, lower than 600 ppm at medium and lower than 500 ppm at maximum level of air-conditioning. For all vehicles, dust concentration was greater when it measured with the air conditioning switched off than with the air conditioning system turned on. The measurements confirmed that the total dust concentration was not more than 47 μg m-3, PM10 lower than 28 μg m-3 and PM1 lower than 27 μg m-3. The noise levels ranged from 49.1 to 68.7 dB(A). The air-conditioning had very positive impact on the inside comfort in car cabins from all points of view during all periods of the year.

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1069-1076 V. Kazulis, I. Muižniece and D. Blumberga
Conceptual ‘Cradle to Gate’ analysis of GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibres
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Conceptual ‘Cradle to Gate’ analysis of GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibres

V. Kazulis*, I. Muižniece and D. Blumberga

Riga Technical University, Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering, Institute of
Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes iela 12/1, LV-1048 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: valters.kazulis@rtu.lv


Industrialization and fossil resource use has brought unprecedented anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Use of synthetic fibre materials and unsustainable plant cultivation practices contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The global market share of polyester fibre (synthetic fibre made from fossil resources) exceeded the share of cotton fibre (natural fibre) for the first time in 2000 and since then polyester has remained the most popular fibre. The demand for textiles keeps increasing. In Northern Europe locally made fibres from wood, hemp and flax could substitute fossil based fibres decreasing the global GHG emissions and helping local economies to prosper. Multi-criteria analysis method TOPSIS was used to carry out a conceptual research evaluating GHG emissions from wood, agricultural plant and synthetic fibre acquisition under two scenarios: fossil fuels are used as energy sources & industrial fertilizers are used; and renewable energy sources are used & industrial fertilizers are not used. Results show that wood and plant fibres have smaller GHG emissions than synthetic fibres in both scenarios. Factors affecting emission performance are analysed.

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115-120 K. Krištof, T. Šima, L. Nozdrovický and P. Findura
The effect of soil tillage intensity on carbon dioxide emissions released from soil into the atmosphere
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The effect of soil tillage intensity on carbon dioxide emissions released from soil into the atmosphere

K. Krištof, T. Šima*, L. Nozdrovický and P. Findura

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machines and Production Systems, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic; *Correspondence: tomasko.sima@gmail.com


Soil tillage is among the factors which affect the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions released from soil into the atmosphere. The objective of the study was to compare three tillage systems which overall represents the most commonly used systems. No-tillage, reduced tillage (shallow disc cultivation) performed by LEMKEN Rubin 9/600 KU disc cultivator and ploughing performed by LEMKEN EuroDiamant 8 mouldboard plough. Experimental area was divided into three replications of each tillage treatment as a randomized block design and the effect of soil tillage intensity on CO2 emissions were observed in field conditions by using ACE device (Automated Soil CO2 Exchange Station, ADC Bio-Scientific Ltd., UK). There were found an effect of soil tillage intensity on CO2 emissions released from soil into the atmosphere. Increasing tillage intensity resulted in increasing rate of CO2 emissions released from soil into the atmosphere where reduced tillage was reflected as 43% and ploughing as114% of this escalation. The results of our study supporting the more ecological effects of reduced tillage and no-tillage systems in comparison with widespread conventional systems by using mouldboard ploughs.

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207-214 M. Dubeňová, T. Šima, R. Gálik, Š. Mihina, G. Vagač and Š. Boďo
Reduction of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide in the pig barn piggery by different ventilation system intensities
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Reduction of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide in the pig barn piggery by different ventilation system intensities

M. Dubeňová¹, T. Šima²⋅*, R. Gálik¹, Š. Mihina¹, G. Vagač³ and Š. Boďo¹

¹Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Production Engineering, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic 2Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machines and Production Systems, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic; *Correspondence: tomasko.sima@gmail.com 3Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Department of Animal Husbandry, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, Slovak Republic


Agriculture, especially animal production, is one of the most important factors influencing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and causing global warming. The ventilation system in a piggery has a significant impact to carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations. The concentrations of these gases in pig housing also affect the air quality and welfare of animals. The aim of the paper was to analyze the effect of ventilation system intensity on the concentration of CO2 and N2O in a piggery. An experiment was carried out at the Experimental Centre for Livestock at the Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia. The concentrations were measured by a photoacoustic field gas monitor INNOVA 1412 connected to a multipoint sampler INNOVA 1309. Three levels of ventilation system intensity were used: low, medium and high. Fattening pigs, the Large White breed were housed in the piggery. For our experiment, three sensors were used inside and two sensors outside the barn. Based on the gathered data, statistically significant differences were found between different ventilation system intensities at a 95.0% confidence level. The concentration of gases fluctuates during day time interval and, based on the results, it is possible to set up a ventilation system intensity to create the best possible air quality in a building for pigs.

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925-934 A. Traumann, M. Kritsevskaja, P. Tint, and D. Klauson
Air quality as an important indicator for ergonomic offices and school premises
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Air quality as an important indicator for ergonomic offices and school premises

A. Traumann¹, M. Kritsevskaja², P. Tint¹,* and D. Klauson²

¹Department of Work Environment and Safety, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate 5, EE19086 Tallinn, Estonia; *Correspondence: piia.tint@ttu.ee 2Department of Chemical Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia


The health risk assessment model for office rooms contains the physical indoor air factors and the risks connected with the use of computers. Four comfort classes have been postulated. Indoor air quality is the main risk factor at workplaces such as office rooms and schools besides non-ergonomic use of computers. High levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) could be observed due to poor ventilation systems and inadequate air exchange due to inoperable windows. Overcrowded classrooms could also be the reason for a high CO2 level. Lowering the occupancy and increasing the breaks between classes could alleviate the high CO2 concentrations in schools and offices. The data of Estonian investigators are analyzed. Experiments for determination of the adequacy of ventilation rate and the respective build-up of CO2 are carried out by the authors of the paper.

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33-38 G. Mann, M. Schlegel, R. Schumann and A. Sakalauskas
Biogas-conditioning with microalgae
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Biogas-conditioning with microalgae

G. Mann¹, M. Schlegel¹, R. Schumann² and A. Sakalauskas³

¹ Institute for Farm Animals Sciences and Technology, Faculty for Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock, Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig Weg 8, D-18059
² Institute for Biosciences, Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 3, D-18059 Rostock
³ Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Lithuanian
University of Agriculture, Student� 15A, LT-53361 Kaunas-Akademija, Lithuania,
e-mail: ZUM.katedra@lzuu.lt


To promote the expansion of feasible biogas production, an optimisation of the whole process chain is essential. In this context the optimisation of the biogas-conditioning process is of great importance. By improving this process, new fields of application, e.g. its usage as car fuel or natural gas substitute can be developed. Currently applied chemical/physical conditioning techniques are cost intensive and hinder a reasonable production for smaller biogas plants. At present a possible low-cost alternative by application of microalgae is being investigated at the University of Rostock. To determine their ability to reduce carbon dioxide from biogas, laboratory-scale photobioreactors with a culture volume of 0.45 l are deployed. In 2008 the microalgae Chlorella sp. was analysed in terms of conditioning biogas. As a result the biogas components CO2 and H2S could be reduced up to 97.07% and 100%, respectively. Also an increase of microalgae cell count could be documented, which provides interesting alternatives for the production of algae ingredients.

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67-78 O. Sada and B. Reppo
Indoor climate of pigsty with deep litter and liquid manure system in summer
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Indoor climate of pigsty with deep litter and liquid manure system in summer

O. Sada and B. Reppo

Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences,Kreutzwaldi St. 56, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: boris.reppo@emu.ee


Construction of big deep-litter pigsties and pigsties without litter (using liquid manure systems) is becoming more extensive. Due to lack of knowledge concerning animal-keeping in big pigsties, it has become necessary to study the work environment in pigsties and, in particular, their indoor climate. In order to determine the impact of the outdoor climate, different methods for animal-keeping and tending activities on indoor climate during summertime, the air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and contents of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia were measured on a daily basis at the height of 1.5 m from the floor above the pigsty in the centre of deep-litter (800 fattening pigs) and liquid manure system (600 young pigs) pigsties. Simultaneously outdoor air temperature and relative humidity were measured. Data Logger equipment with relevant sensors and Gas Monitor Pac III were used for studying the indoor climate. Hydrolog equipment was used for measuring the parameters of outdoor climate. Measurement results were processed by using computer programmes AMR Win Control, HW3 and MS Excel.It turned out that during summertime the indoor climate of pigsties was most affected byoutdoor climate and tending works. The daily average indoor temperature (17.04 and 17.60°C respectively; outdoor temperature, 18.15 and 8.75°C) and relative humidity (68.11 and 78.59% respectively; outdoor relative humidity, 71.88 and 84.19%) remained within recommended limits for animals in the deep-litter pigsty and in the pigsty without litter. However, partial floor heating had to be used in the morning in order to ensure optimum indoor temperature and relative humidity in the pigsty for young pigs. Due to good ventilation in the pigsties the daily average contents of carbon dioxide (0.06 and 0.07%) and ammonia (20.9 and 8.7 ppm) remained within standard limits. Ammonia content in pigsties was higher during tending works, reaching 43 and 27 ppm. As a result of the study, the graphical and empirical relationship was determined between ammonia concentration and indoor air both in terms of air temperature and combined effect of temperature and relative humidity.

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45–54 O. Sada and B. Reppo
Impact of tending work on pigsty inner climate in winter
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Impact of tending work on pigsty inner climate in winter

O. Sada and B. Reppo

Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi St. 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: boris.reppo@emu.ee


Inner climate at pigsty is in strong correlation with outdoor climate and tending work. Up to now, main research has been conducted to investigate air temperature and relative humidity, in order to be able to offer solutions to pigsty ventilation. At the same time, little data can be found about pigsty air gas content depending on pigs’ function work. With the aim of investigating the impact of outdoor climate and tending work on the inner climate at a pigsty of fatlings and youngs, the research was conducted to measure the air temperature, relative humidity and the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia at these pigsties in winter time diurnally at the height of 1.5 meters. To measure the inner climate, Data Logger, appropriate sensors and the computer program PC AMR Win Control were used. At the same time, the winter outdoor air temperature and relative humidity were measured using Rotronic logger. The results of the research presented in the article concern the air temperature and velocity, relative humidity and the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia of the working environment, measured in different places and heights of the room during daytime and diurnally above the pigpen. It became evident that the pigsty’s inner air temperature was within the extent recommended, but the air relative humidity increased partly very high. The carbon dioxide content partly exceeded the established limits. The average measured ammonia also exceeded the limits in some cases but always increased during the tending work.

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