Effect of some fungicides on mycelium growth of Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc. pathogenic to chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev)
Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Agricultural University,Leszczynskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland; e-mail: marek.kopacki@ar.lublin.pl
Ten fungicides were tested in vitro for their effectiveness to inhibit the linear growth of three isolates of Fusarium avenaceum of proven pathogenicity to chrysanthemum. The measurements were taken after 4 and 8 days of fungus growth in the presence of fungicides in three concentrations. The most effective in vitro proved to be the fungicides containing difenaconazole, carbendazim and flusilazol while the least effective were mancozeb, chlorothalonil and captan. The isolates of F. avenaceum differed in their susceptibility to tested fungicides.
Key words:
chrysanthemum, fungicides, Fusarium avenaceum