Tag Archives: distillation

400–406 V. Hönig, Z. Linhart and M. Orsák
Effect of gasoline contamination on the quality of arctic diesel fuel
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Effect of gasoline contamination on the quality of arctic diesel fuel

V. Hönig¹*, Z. Linhart² and M. Orsák¹

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural
Resources, Department of Chemistry, Kamýcka 129, CZ16521, Prague 6, Czech Republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Economics and Management,
Department of Management, Kamýcka 129, CZ16521, Prague 6, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: honig@af.czu.cz


Fuel quality is affected predominantly during its transport between producer and user as hired transporting companies may use one transport vehicle for more different fuels. Therefore, gasoline from previous transport may cause contamination of diesel fuel in next transport. Many drivers add gasoline as additive to diesel fuel to improve start of engine avoiding difficulties of cold winter temperatures. Therefore, the objective of this article is to assess maximum gasoline content added still compliant with default values of standard EN590 and values certified by producer. Only 2% maximal gasoline content in arctic diesel fuel was found safe for both machine and operator. Distillation curve, kinematic viscosity, density, lubricity and cetane index were influenced unimportantly. Cloud point, CFPP were not changed at all.

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