Tag Archives: employees

815-831 H. Kalkis, Z. Roja and V. Metuma
Psychosocial risks for health care workers in rehabilitation centre
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Psychosocial risks for health care workers in rehabilitation centre

H. Kalkis*, Z. Roja and V. Metuma

University of Latvia, Raina blv. 19, LV-1050 Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: henrijs.kalkis@lu.lv


Psychosocial risks at work have a strong impact on workers in every economic field, especially in health care. The aim of this study was to analyze psychosocial risk impact on workers in 3 areas of work, including doctors or functional specialists, nurses and support staff at work for healthcare employees in one of Rehabilitation centers in Latvia. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire was used to assess psychosocial risks at work. Main results show that the high scores for work atmosphere and social support from colleagues reflect the favourable social environment in the context of employee relationships, but doctors and functional specialists face significant psychosocial risks characterized by high quantitative and emotional demands, compounded by job insecurity and inadequate managerial support. Nurses contend with high physical and emotional risks influenced by unpredictable work patterns, unclear roles, and insufficient social support, while support staff confront high workload, role conflicts, and pervasive job insecurity, minimal recognition and unsupportive workplace atmospheres. In general critical aspects include work-life balance, appreciation and self-rated health are at work. Continuation of the research will be related to investigating the psychosocial risks with cognitive tests for each research group.

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367–371 J. Hart and V. Hartová
Development of a system for locating of persons by triangulation
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Development of a system for locating of persons by triangulation

J. Hart¹* and V. Hartová²

¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Faculty of Engineering, Department
of Technological Equipment of Buildings, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague,
Czech republic
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Faculty of Engineering, Department
of Vehicles and Ground Transport, Kamýcká 129, CZ 165 21 Prague, Czech republic
*Correspondence: janhart77@gmail.com


Systems that monitor movement of persons are closely linked to ensuring the security of the entire monitored complex. The security of the buildings is mediated via different types of systems such as I&HAS, CCTV, EFS, and others. These systems are combined with each other in order to achieve more optimal security of the guarded building. Patrol, attendance and other surveillance systems that do not provide the exact location of a person via coordinates are also used to monitor specific groups of people. For this reason, our goal is to design a system that is able to locate the monitored person (employee) in the building with minimal deviation.

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