Tag Archives: fertilization

1214-1223 H. Kirchev, S. Kostadinova and A. Garapova
Partial factor productivity of applied nutrients in tribenuron-methyl resistant sunflower hybrids
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Partial factor productivity of applied nutrients in tribenuron-methyl resistant sunflower hybrids

H. Kirchev¹*, S. Kostadinova² and A. Garapova¹

¹Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Field Crops,
Mendeleev Str. 12, BG4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
²Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Mendeleev Str. 12, BG4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
*Correspondence: hristofor_kirchev@abv.bg


The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In a field trial with two levels of fertilization, five sunflower hybrids were studied. Trials were set up using the method of split-plot design after predecessor triticale. Partial factor productivity of applied nutrient at sunflower was calculated in terms of seed and oil yield such as the ratio of seed or oil yield to the input nutrient. For all studied sunflower hybrids no significant genotypic response was found in terms of the partial productivity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for seed or oil yield. Results indicate that the seed and oil yield of sunflowers obtained per kilogram of applied nutrients decrease with increasing fertilization levels. The results indicate a tendency for increased partial productivity of nutrients for seed and oil yield in hybrid LG 59.580 SX. In the increased fertilization, a trend was observed indicating hybrid P64LE25 with efficient use of the three nutrients for the formation of oil yield. The level of fertilization demonstrated a significant effect on the productivity of the sunflower, as well as on the partial productivity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for the yields of seeds and oil. In contrast to the productivity, the partial productivity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium individually and their sum decreases with an increase in the level of fertilization or, per unit of applied nutrient, sunflower forms less seeds and oil. The present study indicated the highest values of the partial productivity of potassium at both fertilization rates.

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87-105 W. Hourani
Effect of fertilizers on growth and productivity of saffron: a review
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Effect of fertilizers on growth and productivity of saffron: a review

W. Hourani¹²*

¹Lebanese University, Faculty of Agriculture Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Plant production department, Beirut, Lebanon
²University of Forestry, Department of Agronomy, 10 Kliment Ohridski blvd,
BG1797 Sofia, Bulgaria
*Correspondence: wissam.hourani@st.ul.edu.lb


Saffron management involves a systematic approach to nutrient management. Controlling the amount, form, combinations and timing of nutrients delivered to plants is a pre-requisite for getting optimum yield and quality potential of saffron. Therefore, nutrient use efficiency and integrated nutrient management is a crucial tool for balanced fertilization and sustainable crop production. The impact and the need of organic and inorganic fertilization for saffron growth are discussed along with the possibilities of increasing qualitative and quantitative parameters by the integration of multiple fertilizers. The goal of this review is to give an overview of saffron nutrition management in order to maximize saffron growth and yield.

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562-574 A. Harizanova, V. Delibaltova, M. Shishkova, N. Neshev, M. Yanev, A. Mitkov, N. Yordanova, S. Manhart, M. Nesheva and P. Chavdarov
Effect of the Predecessor and the Nitrogen Rate on Productivity and Essential Oil Content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Southeast Bulgaria
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Effect of the Predecessor and the Nitrogen Rate on Productivity and Essential Oil Content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Southeast Bulgaria

A. Harizanova¹*, V. Delibaltova¹, M. Shishkova¹, N. Neshev¹, M. Yanev¹, A. Mitkov¹, N. Yordanova¹, S. Manhart¹, M. Nesheva² and P. Chavdarov³

¹Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Agronomy, 12 Mendeleev Blvd,
BG4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
²Fruit Growing Institute, Department of Breeding, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, 12 Ostromila Str, BG4004 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
³K. Malkov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Department of Plant Genetic Resources, 2 Druzba Str., BG4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria
*Correspondence: aharizanova@yahoo.com


Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is one of the most important essential oil crops on a global scale. Coriander productivity is determined by the genotype, the environmental factors, as well the agronomic practices. A field experiment was conducted in Southeast Bulgaria during three vegetation seasons (2015, 2016, and 2017). The present study aimed at analysing the influence of two crop predecessors (winter wheat and sunflower) and four nitrogen (N) levels (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1). Productivity elements, seed yield, and seed essential oil content of coriander (cv. Mesten drebnoploden) were under evaluation. The results obtained showed that winter wheat was a more suitable predecessor of coriander in comparison to sunflower. The highest results regarding the number of umbels per plant, the umbel’s diameter, the number of umbellets per umbel, the number of seeds per umbel, the seed weight per plant, the 1,000 seed mass, as well as the seed yield for the rate of 80 kg ha-1 of N were recorded. The highest essential oil content after applying 120 kg ha-1 of N was established. Increasing the N level from 0 to 120 kg ha-1 led to a positive and significant effect on essential oil yield. No significant differences between the N rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 were recorded. The received results contributed for the evaluatation of the optimum nitrogen level, as well as for the determination of a more suitable predecessor of coriander in order to obtain the highest yield of better quality in the region of Southeast Bulgaria.

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124-133 P. Fejér, A. Széles, É. Horváth, T. Rátonyi and P. Ragán
Effects of some agronomic practices on the quality of starch content of maize grains
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Effects of some agronomic practices on the quality of starch content of maize grains

P. Fejér*, A. Széles, É. Horváth, T. Rátonyi and P. Ragán

University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Land Use, Engineering and Precision Farming Technology, 138 Böszörmenyi str., HU4032 Debrecen, Hungary
*Correspondence: fejerp@agr.unideb.hu


The use of maize, both as main and by-product, is extremely versatile and diverse. The highest amount of carbohydrate within maize is found in the form of starch (C6H10O5)x. In terms of industrial starch, maize is the most important raw material. Fodder maize is primarily an energy source due to its high starch content, and its protein and oil content are less important. It was found that starch and protein content, which are negatively correlated with each other, are significantly affected by fertilizer doses. The experiment is located in the Hajdúság Loess Plateau, its soil is loess-based deep humus layered calcareous chernozem. The following treatments were applied in the scope of the polyfactorial experiment: Tillage: T1 = winter ploughing, T2 = strip tillage, T3 = ripping. Crop years: 2017, 2018 and 2019. Fertilization treatments: N 0 kg ha-1 P2O5 0 kg ha-1 K2O 0 kg ha-1 (control); N 80kg ha-1 P2O5 60 kg ha-1 K2O 90 kg ha-1 and N 160 kg ha-1 P2O5 60 kg ha-1 K2O 90 kg ha-1. Analysis of the nutritional component was carried out by means of a Foss Infratec TM 1241 Grain Analyser.

In terms of fertilization treatments, the highest (64.42%) maize starch content was measured for the control treatment, while the lowest starch content was recorded in the case of the 160 kg N ha-1 treatment (62.62%). The analysis of the crop year effect showed that 2018 was the most favourable year for the maize starch content of the examined samples (65.76%). Of the studied years, the lowest starch content was measured in 2017 (61.78%).

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2013-2025 A. Széles, É. Horváth, D. Rácz, L. Dúzs, Cs. Bojtor and L. Huzsvai
Development of stomatal conductance of maize under moderately hot, dry production conditions
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Development of stomatal conductance of maize under moderately hot, dry production conditions

A. Széles¹, É. Horváth¹*, D. Rácz¹, L. Dúzs¹, Cs. Bojtor¹ and L. Huzsvai²

¹University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental
Management, Institute for Land Utilisation, Technology and Regional Development,
Böszörményi street 138, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary
²University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute of Statistics and
Methodology, Böszörményi street 138, H-4032 Debrecen, Hungary
*Correspondence: szelesa@agr.unideb.hu


A field trial was conducted in Hungary, in a moderately warm, dry production area to determine the effect of single or split application of N-fertilizer on the stomatal conductance and grain yield of maize. The measurements were performed at on calcareous chernozem soil, in a strip field trial, under different weather conditions (2019 and 2020). In addition to the unfertilized control (A0) treatment, 60 (A60) and 120 kg N ha-1 (A120) applied as spring basal fertilizer were followed by two top-dressing treatments in V6 (A90) and V12 (A120) phenophases with doses of +30 and +30 kg N ha-1, respectively. Stomatal conductance measurements were taken at V6, V12 and R1 phenological phases. It was found that stomatal conductance showed a decreasing trend with advancing phenological phases in both years, with 43.9% and 32.1% (P < 0.001; P < 0.01) decreases by the R1 phase, respectively. Application of higher doses of N fertilizer increased stomatal conductance, with the exception of the R1 phenological phase, which showed a decrease compared to the A0 treatment. The decrease in 2019 was caused by a reduction of soil moisture. Although there was sufficient water in the soil in 2020, due to the intermittent water shortages caused by but the large leaf area and rapid transpiration of the plants resulted in the stomata to close. The best fertilisation strategy was A60 and A120 kg ha-1 depending on the crop year. The study showed that the highest yield is obtained when the average stomatal conductance is around 250 mmol m-2 s-1 during the growing season.

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147–170 Z. Magyar, P. Pepó and E. Gyimes
Comprehensive study on wheat flour quality attributes as influence by different agrotechnical factors
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Comprehensive study on wheat flour quality attributes as influence by different agrotechnical factors

Z. Magyar¹*, P. Pepó¹ and E. Gyimes²

¹University of Debrecen, Kerpely Kálmán Doctoral School, Böszörményi street 138, HU4032 Debrecen, Hungary
²University of Szeged, Faculty of Engineering, Mars square 7, HU6724, Szeged Hungary
*Corresponding author. magyarzoltan93@gmail.com


The present polyfactorial long-term experiment was conducted to determine the role of different agrotechnical factors, like fertilization, forecrop, year and cultivar on the quality and yield attributes of a classical and a modern winter wheat genotypes. The research gives a complex view of the alteration of the most quality parameters (32) that are rarely done together in a single experiment (n = 96). All the studied factors had a significant effect on some tested properties. First growing season with fair water supply was beneficial for yield (+21.7%) however, the 2nd one with mild weather in spring and average annual precipitation was favourable for quality parameters (HFN: +3%, GI: +19%, GS: -51%, DDT: +22.4%, ST: +24.6%, DS: -14%, PDR: +37.6%, PD: +6%, PMR: +51.5%, PE: +52.7%, W: +25.8%, LV: +16.3%, HI: +13.3%). The optimal fertilizer demand of the different parameters varied to realize the potential of the varieties (N90P68K80 for Y, VWA, PWA, PMR, PE, LV, Mavg, KW and HI; meanwhile N150P113K133 for CP, WGC, ZI, VQN, ST, W and P/L). In the case of suboptimal nutrient supply, the effect of fore crops was significant (Y, CP, DGC, ZI, FE, VQN, DDT, ST, DS, PDR, PMR, PE, Mavg and all alveographic values). Comparing the varieties, GK Öthalom had better fertilizer response attribute (NUECP) and quality parameters, till then Mv Ispán possessed significantly better natural nutrient utilizing property (+22.9%), NUEY and yield (+31.7% in 2019). Summarizing the results, there is a need to put great emphasis on the selection of adapted cultivar and variety-specific agrotechnology practices, also these data contribute to a better understanding of the relationships between the quality parameters.

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2742–2751 V. Laugale, S. Dane, S. Strautiņa and I. Kalniņa
Influence of vermicompost on strawberry plant growth and dehydrogenase activity in soil
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Influence of vermicompost on strawberry plant growth and dehydrogenase activity in soil

V. Laugale*, S. Dane, S. Strautiņa and I. Kalniņa

Institute of Horticulture (LatHort), Graudu iela 1, LV-3124 Dobele, Latvia


Vermicompost is increasingly becoming popular as an organic fertiliser used for different crops. Effects of vermicompost on strawberry plant growth and soil properties were studied in this investigation. The research was performed in LatHort from 2015 to 2017. Strawberry was grown on open field in rows. Two trials were established. In Trial 1, the application of vermicompost with a dose of 50 mL per plant was compared to growing without any fertilization. In Trial 2, several treatments were used: 1) only inorganic mineral fertilization applied; 2) vermicompost applied with a dose of 100 mL per plant in planting holes, later mineral fertilization applied; 3) vermicompost applied with a dose of 100 mL per plant in planting holes, no additional fertilization applied; 4) vermicompost applied two times per season on the ground around plants with dose of 50 mL per plant, no mineral fertilization applied. The plant growth was assessed two times per season by evaluating the amount of leaves and plant height. Soil dehydrogenase activity was evaluated during all growing seasons as indicator of soil microbial activity. The application of vermicompost positively influenced plant growth in comparison to growing without fertilization. In Trial 2, plant growth varied among years. During first two growing seasons better plant growth was observed for plants fertilized by inorganic mineral fertilizers, while later the growth levelled off for all treatments applied. The application of vermicompost had positive influence on the soil dehydrogenase activity in contrary to fertilization by mineral fertilizers.

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1573–1583 B. Wiśniewska-Kadżajan and K. Jankowski
Effects of the interaction between slurry, soil conditioners, and mineral NPK fertilizers on selected nutritional parameters of Festulolium braunii (K. Richt.) A. Camus
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Effects of the interaction between slurry, soil conditioners, and mineral NPK fertilizers on selected nutritional parameters of Festulolium braunii (K. Richt.) A. Camus

B. Wiśniewska-Kadżajan and K. Jankowski

University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture, B. Prusa 14, PL08-110 Siedlce, Poland
*Correspondence: bwisniewska@uph.edu.pl


The research was aimed at assessing the biomass yield of Festulolium braunii and its content of raw protein and crude ash after application of slurry, both on its own and together with soil conditioners (UGmax and Humus Active), and mineral fertilizers. The studies were conducted on the basis of a two-year field experiment. The interaction between slurry and soil conditioners and between slurry and mineral fertilizers was studied on the Sulino variety of Festulolium braunii, a hybrid between Lolium multiflorum and Festuca pratensis.
Compared with plants treated with liquid manure on its own, slurry applied with soil conditioners and mineral fertilizer did not significantly increase the biomass yield of the grass. However, there was higher protein content in Festulolium braunii, even if statistically insignificant, as a response to slurry supplemented with mineral fertilizer than in plants treated with slurry only. Various forms of treatment did not differentiate crude ash content in plant dry matter in a statistically significant way.

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1693–1699 H. Meripõld, U. Tamm, S. Tamm, T. Võsa and L. Edesi
Fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam) grass potential as a forage and bioenergy crop
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Fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam) grass potential as a forage and bioenergy crop

H. Meripõld*, U. Tamm, S. Tamm, T. Võsa and L. Edesi

Estonian Crop Research Institute, EE-48309 Jõgeva, Estonia
*Corresponding author: heli.meripold@etki.ee


Fodder galega (Galega orientalis Lam.) is a forage legume that has been grown in Estonia for almost forty five years. Pure galega is known to be persistent, high-yielding crop and rich in nutrients, in particular crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF). Galega is usually grown in a mixture with grass in order to optimize its nutrient concentration, increase dry matter (DM) yield and improve fermentation properties. The trial plots were established on a typical soddy-calcareous soil. There are certain grass species suitable for the mixture. In this study galega mixtures with reed canary grass cv. ‘Marathon’, timothy cv. ‘Tika’, red fescue cv. ‘Kauni’ and festulolium cv. ‘Hykor’ were under investigation in three successive years (2013–2015). In order to increase competitiveness of grasses and the yield of the first cut, two N fertilization levels were used: N0 and N50 kg ha-1. Two cuts were carried out during the growing season in all three years. The total dry matter yield varied from 9.1 to 12.8 t ha-1. The NDF concentration in the DM varied from 495−559 g kg-1. Both DM-yield and NDF were dependent on the year, mixture, cutting time and fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization (N50 kg ha-1) favoured grass growth and reduced the role of galega in the sward.

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1486-1493 R. Simson, L. Tartlan, E. Nugis and V. Eremeev
The effect of fertilizer and growing season on tuber dry matter and nitrate content in potato
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The effect of fertilizer and growing season on tuber dry matter and nitrate content in potato

R. Simson¹*, L. Tartlan², E. Nugis¹ and V. Eremeev³

¹Estonian Crop Research Institute, Department of Plant Biotechnology, Aamisepa 1, EE48309 Jõgeva, Estonia
²Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture, Department of Plant Sciences, Teaduse 13, 75501 Saku, Estonia
³Estonian University of Life Sciences, Department of Field Crop and Grassland Husbandry, Kreutzwaldi 1, EE51014 Tartu, Estonia
*Correspondence: reijo.simson@etki.ee


Field trials with two potato varieties were undertaken at the Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture in 2005 and 2006. Year 2005 was generally optimal for potato growth but year 2006 was dry and very warm, hence, it was adverse for growth. The effect of fertilizing on two main traits of potato, i. e. tuber dry matter (DM) and nitrate content was examined. Five rates of compound fertilizer were applied, N50P20K85, N70P28K119, N90P36K153, N110P44K187 and N130P52K221. Results indicated that DM content was largely determined by variety but it also depended on fertilizer amounts and particular environmental conditions of a year. Nitrate content of tubers was quite clearly dependent upon variety, but growing season had significant effect on final nitrate content in tubers. Water stress during early and main bulking periods resulted in high tuber nitrate levels. In order to gain tuber yield fit for intended use, it is necessary to manage nutrient acquisition based on expected yield and nutrient supply from soils.

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