Tag Archives: germination

156-174 M. Kolesnikov, T. Gerasko, Yu. Paschenko, L. Pokoptseva, O. Onyschenko and A. Kolesnikova
Effect of water deficit on maize seeds (Zea mays L.) during germination
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Effect of water deficit on maize seeds (Zea mays L.) during germination

M. Kolesnikov¹, T. Gerasko¹, Yu. Paschenko¹, L. Pokoptseva¹, O. Onyschenko¹ and A. Kolesnikova²*

¹Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Agrotechnology and Ecology Faculty, Department of crop production and horticulture, 226 Soborny Avenue, UA69006 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
²Charles University, Ovocný trh 560/5, CZ11636 Prague 1, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: maksym.kolesnikov@tsatu.edu.ua


Global climate changes cause the frequent recurrence of droughts, which reduce crop production more than any other environmental factor. This study was conducted to access the effect of water deficit on maize seeds (Zea mays L.) DKC 5143 hybrid during germination. The tasks were to assess the influence of different rank of osmotic stress on the maize lipid peroxidation (LPO), proline content, catalase and aminotransferases activities, and morphometric parameters during the early stages of maize seeds germination. The maize seeds were exposed to five levels of water availability which produced by PEG-1500 solutions (0, 20, 50, 100, 200 g L‑1). Seeds of maize were germinated on Petri dishes for 7 days under controlled parameters. Amounts of TBARS were increased in maize sprouted seeds by 1.9 times, coleoptiles by 1.4 times, and in roots – by 1.9 times under water deficit. Proline content increased by 9.2 times in coleoptiles and by 6.0 times in 7 days maize roots while PEG-1500 (200 g L–1) treatment. An increasing of catalase (CAT), aminotransferases (ALT, AST) activities according to osmotic potential value was also observed. A remarkable development of maize oxidative reaction was associated with a significant reduction in emergence, wet weight and length of water-stressed plants. These results assume that the maize adaptive strategy to osmotic stress during germination was found in the activation of LPO and antioxidant components. The findings provide useful help for correcting the stress state of maize using osmotically active regulators.

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2187–2194 I.A. Bazhenova, T.S. Bazhenova and E.V. Chernova
Germination of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) grains trigger biochemical changes that augment bioavailability of flower and its utility for gluten-free dietary foods
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Germination of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) grains trigger biochemical changes that augment bioavailability of flower and its utility for gluten-free dietary foods

I.A. Bazhenova, T.S. Bazhenova* and E.V. Chernova

Peter the Great Polytechnic University, The Graduate School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, street Novorossiyskaya, 48, RU194021 St-Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: tatjanabazhenova@mail.ru


During past decade, there has been an active search for new sources and means, such as biologic modification of raw plant material, to produce bioavailable foods with pre-defined properties. In this study, we tested whether germination of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) grains could be used to increase bioavailability of the flower for gluten-free diets (GFD). Our analysis demonstrated that grains of four selected cultivars had similar germination rates in different media. However, the pikes of amylolytic and proteinase activities were detected at the 2nd and 3rd days of germination, whereas the pike of lipase activity was associated with the 4th day. The highest and the lowest enzymatic activities were detected in grains germinated in whey and in NaCl, respectively. During germination, cumulative phenolic content increased up to 3.5 times reaching the highest levels by day 5. Based on these data, we produce batches of flour from grains germinated for 3 days and evaluated its utility in producing non-rising cake and shortbread pastry dough. Sensory evaluation of the baked products confirmed that flour from germinated grains could be used for substitution of the wheat flower in the dough. Collectively, our novel findings demonstrated that biochemically defined germination conditions could be used to produce proso millet flour with greater digestibility and nutritive value for the development of new GFD recipes.

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1405-1416 Z. Kruma, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska and D. Kunkulberga
Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage
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Changes in the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes during storage

Z. Kruma*, R. Galoburda, L. Tomsone, I. Gramatina, S. Senhofa, E. Straumite, D. Klava, T. Kince, I. Cinkmanis, J. Zagorska and D. Kunkulberga

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, Rigas iela 22, LV-3004 Jelgava, Latvia
*Correspondence: zanda.kruma@llu.lv


The aim of current research was to assess the nutritional value of breakfast cereals containing germinated spring grain flakes and its changes after 6 month storage. Three types of breakfast cereals were prepared and packaged in two types of Standup pouches – Pap50g/Alu7/Pe60 (AL), Pap40g/PELD20/PE40 (PE). For the accelerated shelf life test the samples were stored at 35 ± 2 °C and dietary fibre, protein, fat, B-group vitamins, sugars, total phenol content and DPPH, ABTS+ radical scavenging activity were determined. Developed breakfast cereals have high nutritional value and all are high in fibre and thiamine. Additionally, sample S2 is source of protein, riboflavin, niacin, and S3 – is source of riboflavin and high in niacin. Comparing total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of tested samples S3 showed the highest values. Storage and selected packaging influenced stability of nutrients, and for S1 and S2 AL showed better results whereas for S3 – PE.

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492-499 J. Lev and J. Blahovec
Effect of I2/KI water solution to wheat seeds imbibition assessed by image analysis
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Effect of I2/KI water solution to wheat seeds imbibition assessed by image analysis

J. Lev* and J. Blahovec

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Physics, Kamýcká 129, CZ165 21 Prague 6, Czech Republic
*Correspondence: jlev@tf.czu.cz


Water plays key role in a seed germination due to its participation in starting of many metabolic processes that accompany the seed germination. Rate of water uptake into seeds is a usual basis for determination of the three germination phases. The water uptake into seeds during their germination was investigated by many researchers who used various methods (e.g. magnetic resonance micro-imaging, near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and visualization with I2/KI solution (Lugol’s iodine)). The method of using I2/KI water solution for this purpose is quite popular for its relatively applicability. In this paper we compared the seed surface area projection and shape development of the seeds imbibed in the I2/KI solution and in the pure water via image analysis. It was found that the presence of the I2/KI in water changes the increase of seeds volume during germination and the effect is different during the initial imbibition and during the next germination phases. The seed shape development is similar for both variants, pure water and I2/KI solution.

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1331-1340 I. Beitane, G. Krumina–Zemture and M. Sabovics
Effect of germination and extrusion on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raw buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)
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Effect of germination and extrusion on the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raw buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

I. Beitane¹*, G. Krumina–Zemture¹ and M. Sabovics²

¹Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Nutrition, Riga Street 22, LV–3004 Jelgava, Latvia
²Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, Riga street 22, LV–3004 Jelgava, Latvia
*Correspondence: ilze.beitane@llu.lv


The aim of the research was to determine the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in raw and germinated common buckwheat grain and their extruded products in order to estimate the effect of germination and extrusion on the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in buckwheat. A total of 10 buckwheat samples were analysed, where the raw buckwheat grain was the control sample, four samples were germinated and then extruded. The total phenolic content was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu assay. The antioxidant activity was determined using a micro plate assay and phenolic compounds with Liquid Chromatography –Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer method.
The results showed that germination of buckwheat significantly affected the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, radical scavenging activity and content of phenolic compounds. The decrease of the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, radical scavenging activity and the content of some phenolic compounds depended on germination time – 48 h of germination provided greater concentrations at the end of a 24 h germination period, whereas the content of some phenolic compounds like rutin, quercetin and vitexin increased substantially after germination, besides, the increase of phenolic compounds depended on the germination time. In total 26 different phenolic compounds were detected in raw and germinated buckwheat samples and only one compound with an m/z value 385.1282 was unidentified. The data of extrusion revealed a significant decrease of total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, radical scavenging activity and phenolic compounds content in buckwheat samples (P < 0.05). In the extruded buckwheat samples novel phenolic compounds like 4–hydroxybenzoic acid, homovanillic acid, catechin, ferulic acid, and hyperoside were detected.

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280–287 P. Sooväli, M. Koppel and T. Kangor
Effectiveness of seed treatment against Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus of spring barley in different conditions
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Effectiveness of seed treatment against Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus of spring barley in different conditions

P. Sooväli*, M. Koppel and T. Kangor

Estonian Crop Research Institute, J. Aamisepa 1, EE48309 Jõgeva, Estonia
*Correspondence: pille.soovali@etki.ee


Effect of fungicide seed treatments on initial growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was evaluated in greenhouse trials. The soil collected from minimum tillage fields where spring barley, spring wheat (Triticum L.) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) have been cultivated in previous growing season were used in trials. Eight fungicide seed treatments and untreated seed as the control were evaluated. Root rot severity and seedling emergence rate were assessed at growth stages 20–22. In addition the incidence of seed-borne Fusarium spp. and Cochliobolus sativus and germination were assessed in treated and untreated spring barley seeds in laboratory condition. Fungicides prothioconazole and tebuconazole significantly reduced incidence of seed-borne Fusarium spp. Seed treated with fludioxonil and tebuconazole more effectively decreased root rot infection in soil from minimum tilled barley field, fludioxonil + difenoconazole in soil from minimum tilled spring wheat field and prothioconazole mixes with tebuconazole or fluoxastrobin in soil from minimum tilled oilseed rape field. This study brings out the pre-crop and seed treatment interaction effect on control of root rot in spring barley.

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1372–1383 Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, T. Ķince, R. Galoburda, S. Senhofa, M. Sabovics, E. Straumite and I. Sturite
Effects of germination on total phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity in hull-less spring cereals and triticale
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Effects of germination on total phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity in hull-less spring cereals and triticale

Z. Kruma¹, L. Tomsone¹, T. Ķince¹*, R. Galoburda¹, S. Senhofa¹, M. Sabovics¹, E. Straumite¹ and I. Sturite²

¹Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, St. Rigas 22, LV-3004 Jelgava, Latvia
²Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, St. Fredrik A. Dahls 20, Ås, Akershus, NO 1432, Norway
*Correspondence: tatjana.kince@llu.lv


 The aim of the current research was to evaluate changes in the content of total phenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity at different germination stages of triticale, hull-less barley, hull-less oats, wheat, and rye. Grain germination was performed for 12, 24, 36 and 48 h at controlled conditions. Ultrasound assisted extraction was used for isolation of total phenolic compounds. For all extracts the total phenolic compounds content, DPPH radical and ABTS+ radical scavenging activity were determined spectrophotometrically. The results of the experiments demonstrated that the highest content of total phenolic compounds and the highest antiradical activity was determined in hull-less barley samples. In all studied grains the content of phenolic compounds increased significantly during soaking and germination process. DPPH radical scavenging activity during germination increased. ABTS+ radical scavenging activity also increased after soaking process and dynamics were cereal type dependent. Pearson’s coefficients between the phenolic compound levels and antioxidant activity taking into account all obtained results were high. Very strong positive correlations between the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were determined for triticale during germination. Also antioxidant activity determined by both tests correlated with the highest results for barley and oats. The highest content of total phenolic compounds determines the optimum duration of germination to be 24 hours, except rye samples where the highest value was reached only after 48 hours of germination. Shorter time was required to reach the highest values of DPPH radical activity – for wheat rye, and triticale, namely 12 hours.

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39-46 A.Pozeliene and S.Lynikiene
The treatment of rape (Brassica napus L.) seeds with the help of electrical field
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The treatment of rape (Brassica napus L.) seeds with the help of electrical field

A.Pozeliene and S.Lynikiene

Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Lithuanian Agricultural University,
Instituto st. 20, Raudondvaris, LT-54132 Kauno r., Lithuania; e-mail: ausra@mei.lt,


The paper presents data about the sorting and stimulation of germination of rape seeds with the help of corona discharge field (CDF). The seed- preparing machines used the electric field to sort seeds according to the unit of mechanical and electrical features and improve germination. A survey of literature discussing the methods of the increasing of seed germination of electro�physical nature and the duration of the various periods from the stimulation to sowing time has been viewed. The conveyer type electric separator designed in the institute was used for the seed processing. The 3�105 V m-1 field strength was used for seed sorting according to the biological value in the electric separator. The change of the germination stimulation effect during the onemonth seed storage period was determined for the seeds with conditional moisture content but two different initial germination rates. The same strength of corona discharge field was used in research of the germination dynamics. The duration of seed treating in the field was 2 s. During the research the following facts were established: that by the sorting of non – conditional rape seeds it is possible to get 80% of seed to correspond to the requirements of the standard; CDF has positive influence on germination dynamics of treated seeds; density function of the seeds treated with CDF is described by lognormal distribution and that of untreated seeds, by normal distribution; the average increase of the germination of stimulated seeds has been reliable during the one-month period from stimulation to sowing. Statistical processing of the test data shows that the increase in germination of the seeds treated with CDF is reliable in comparison with the control.

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