Tag Archives: grain qualities

123-133 A. Mašauskiene, V. Mašauskas and J. Peltonen
The impact of phosphorus seed coating on winter wheat at different fertilisation practices
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The impact of phosphorus seed coating on winter wheat at different fertilisation practices

A. Mašauskiene¹, V. Mašauskas² and J. Peltonen²

¹Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Instituto aleja 1, LT 58344, Akademija, Kedainiai distr.,Lithuania; e-mail: audrone.masauskiene@lzi.lt
¹Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Instituto alėja 1, LT 58344, Akademija, Kedainiai distr.,Lithuania; e-mail: vytas.masauskas@lzi.lt
²Kemira GrowHow Oyj., Finland; e-mail: Jari.Peltonen@kemira-growhow.com


Experiments with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were conducted during 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 in Central Lithuania, Dotnuva site. The effect of P seed coating at control (without mineral fertilization), (N17P35K87) N130 and (N14P70K70) N130fertilisation practices on a light loam soil testing low/moderate in available phosphorus was examined. P seed coating resulted in alteration to plant stand structure traits. Despite the fact that seedling emergence of P coated seed decreased, the number of total and productive stems and the number of grain per ear was identical to that of control. Significant changes in Zeleny sedimentation, wet and dry gluten, gluten index and falling number values resulting from P seed coating were obtained in the year with unfavourable wintering conditions. Although P seed coating exerted a positive effect on winter wheat early growth and influenced grain quality, it did not prove to be a method resulting in higher economic yield. The new hypothesis how to reduce phosphorus rate in conventional mineral fertilisation practice involving P seed coating needs further testing.

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