Productivity, heritability and stability analysis of a Moroccan sugar beet germplasm
¹Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Rabat, Research Unit of Plant Improvement Conservation and Development of Phytogenetic Resources, Avenue Mohamed Belarbi Alaoui B.P: 6356 – Instituts, 10101 – Rabat, Morocco
²Research Unit of Applied Biotechnologies in Agriculture, Agrobiodiversity and Local Products, Department of Plant Protection Production and Biotechnology, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Avenue Allal EL FASSI – Madinat Al Irfane – BP 6202 – 10101 Rabat, Morocco
Progeny testing is the second part of maternal recurrent selection scheme adopted by INRA-Morocco for the national sugar beet breeding programme. The objective of this study is sugar beet germplasm productivity, heritability and stability analysis. The studied material concern 18 half-sib families (HSF) preselected initially for their seed production potential. Trials were conducted using randomised complete blocks designs during, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2017/18 campaigns in two experimental fields of INRA-Morocco; Sidi Allal Tazi (34° 30′ N, 6° 19′ W) and Larache (35° 11’ N, 6° 09’ W). Evaluated parameters concern the vigour, root weight (RW), leaf biomass yield (LBY), and sugar content (Sc). Data analysis by comparative procedures explores different accordance degrees of HSF versus controls. Good vegetative growth was observed, 85.6% closer to the maximal indicated scale level. The RW was significantly influenced by the genotype and reached a maximum of 1.06 kg versus 1.08 kg average recorded by controls. Sugar content recorded mean was 20.97% in HSF versus 21.39% in the controls. Most of HSF revealed mean values close to Z-type variety. Estimated heritability was 0.5 for RW, 0.2 for the LBY, and 0.02 for Sc. Sugar content was influenced by the environment and explained by the AMMI model (73.6%) versus 53.9% and 44.4% for root weight and leaf biomass yield respectively. The AMMI stability values showed F11, F12, F16, and F17 families as the most performing and stable HSF. Results demonstrate the relevance of the maternal recurrent selection scheme of the on-going national breeding programme.
Key words:
germplasm, half-sib family, heritability, productivity, stability, sugar beet