Tag Archives: Jerusalem artichoke

650–661 A. Zapałowska, Cz. Puchalski, S. Stankowski and M. Gibczyńska
Fertilisation with ash from wood and with sewage sludge versus contents of macro-and microelements in the soil following cultivation of Helianthus tuberosus L.
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Fertilisation with ash from wood and with sewage sludge versus contents of macro-and microelements in the soil following cultivation of Helianthus tuberosus L.

A. Zapałowska¹, Cz. Puchalski¹, S. Stankowski² and M. Gibczyńska³

¹University of Rzeszow, Department of Bioenergetics, Food Analysis and microbiology, Zelwerowicza 4, PL35-601 Rzeszów, Poland
²West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Department of Agroengineering, Papieża Pawła VI 3, PL71-459 Szczecin, Poland
³West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Department of Bioengineering, Słowackiego 17, PL71-434 Szczecin, Poland


The present study investigated the effects produced in the soil by municipal sewage sludge and wood ash applied during the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke. The impact of the presence of applied the fertilizer materials on changes in soil and a macro- and microelements contents were investigated. The comparative analyses took into account 3 factors; the first factor – 4 levels of wood ash – 0; I–4.28; II–8.57; III–12.85 t ha-1, the second factor – 2 levels of sewage sludge – 0; 1 – 30.3 t ha-1, the third factor – 2 varieties of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) – Gigant, Albik. Application of the fertilisers did not resulted in significant change in the total contents of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in soil examined after Jerusalem artichoke was harvested. Application of ash from coniferous trees, with high levels of calcium, resulted in increased total contents of calcium in the soil. Fertilisation of the soil with ash from coniferous trees or with sewage sludge, as well as cultivation of two varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, resulted in a significant increase in the concentrations of cadmium and lead, and produced no effects in the levels of nickel, zinc and copper identified in soil. The above findings, and in particular the fact that the limit values were not exceeded, indicate the possibility of using both sludge and biomass ash for fertilizing Jerusalem artichoke.

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1086-1095 E. Skripleva, and T. Arseneva
Optimization of the recipe of yoghurt with additives and control of some quality attributes of new yoghurt recipe
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Optimization of the recipe of yoghurt with additives and control of some quality attributes of new yoghurt recipe

E. Skripleva¹,* and T. Arseneva²

¹Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, ITMO University, Lomonosova street 9, 191002, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; *Correspondence: 4ernamurka@rambler.ru 2Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, ITMO University, Lomonosova street 9, 191002, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


According to the data and the results of clinical trials received in Nutrition Institute of ‘Russian Academy of Medical Sciences’, it was found that 80% of Russians suffer from lack of selenium. Saint-Petersburg University Innovation Company ‘Littoral’ has developed a biologically active food supplement ‘Selenium Alga plus’. The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of using dietary supplement ‘Selenium Alga Plus’ in yoghurt manufacture. Almost all groups of the population consume such fermented milk drink as yogurt, so that it is considered that this method increasing selenium as the most effective. People suffering from diabetes may have lack of selenium in the organism, as well as healthy people. Since traditional yogurt contains 11% of sucrose, it is necessary to choose sweetening components with vegetable origin. Selecting sweetening components of vegetable origin we pursued the dual purpose. Firstly, we created a sweet product, which would be a source of organic selenium. Therefore the sucrose was replaced with the plant origin sweeteners such as syrup of Jerusalem artichoke and stevioside. Secondly, it was the development of technology and composition of functional food product, intended not only for mass consumption, but also for people suffer from diabetes. It becomes possible due to the absence of sucrose, the presence of selenium and Jerusalem artichoke, which are able to reduce the blood sugar level.

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625-632 S. Kiru and I. Nasenko
Use of genetic resources from Jerusalem artichoke collection of N. Vavilov Institute in breeding for bioenergy and health security
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Use of genetic resources from Jerusalem artichoke collection of N. Vavilov Institute in breeding for bioenergy and health security

S. Kiru¹ and I. Nasenko²

¹N. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR), B. Morskaya St. 44, 190000 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation; e-mail: s.kiru@vir.nw.ru
²Majkop research station of N. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry, Shuntuk, Majkopdistr. Krasnodar reg., Russian Federation


The VIR Collection contains 313 varieties and hybrids of Jerusalem artichoke Heliantus tuberosus L. The material originated from several countries of America and Europe represents a potential source of valuable traits for breeding, including yield and precocity. Clones of 70 varieties and hybrids of Jerusalem artichoke from 11 countries were evaluated for yield and precocity. The selection of valuable for breeding accessions was carried out. As result of five years screening new perspective genetic sources of valuable commercial traits for breeding were singled out.

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