Tag Archives: manganese

767–776 L. Honchar, B. Mazurenko, O. Shutyi, V. Pylypenko, D. Rakhmetov
Effect of pre-seed and foliar treatment with nano-particle solutions on seedling development of tiger nut (Cyperus Esculentus L.) plants
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Effect of pre-seed and foliar treatment with nano-particle solutions on seedling development of tiger nut (Cyperus Esculentus L.) plants

L. Honchar¹, B. Mazurenko¹*, O. Shutyi¹, V. Pylypenko¹, D. Rakhmetov²

¹National University of Life and Environmental Science, Department of Plant Science, Heroiv Oborony street 15, UA03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
²National Botanic Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Timiryazevska str., 1, UA01014 Kyiv, Ukraine
*Correspondence: mazurenko.bohdan@nubip.edu.ua


Micronutrients are part of enzymes and play an important role in plant germination. Purpose of our study was to establish the effect of pre-seed treatment of chufa tubers with metal nanoparticles on the growth of the root system and seedlings in the early stages of development. Laboratory tests were performed on seed of tiger nut cultivar Pharaoh. Experiment involved two methods of treatment: pre-sowing treatment of seeds with nano-particles solutions of manganese, zinc, copper and iron with a concentration of 60 ppm and re-application of these solutions after seedling emergence. The weight of seedlings and roots was determined at 3rd and 10th days after emergence in treated and untreated variants. Pre-sowing treatment of chufa tubers with all forms of micronutrients significantly increased the weight of the plant (excluding the weight of seeds), and the most effective were treatments with copper and iron. Treatment with copper colloidal solution increases in root weight at 3rd day on 156% compared to control without treatment and this dynamic stayed at 10th day. Most affective treatment is iron colloidal solution. This treatment gives +99% of root weight at 3rd day and 194% at 10th day after germination compared to control in same time. Colloidal forms of manganese, copper and iron also significantly increased the weight of the shoot. Increase in the mass of roots, shoots and plants is observed in plants with foliar fertilizing, but a few variants have an insignificant difference or inhibit the assimilation processes of plants. Pre-sowing treatment with zinc citrate at 60 ppm decreased root and shoot weight in chufa.

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477-488 D. Kostova, V. Kanazirska and M. Kamburova
A comparative analysis of different vegetable crops for content of manganese and molybdenum
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A comparative analysis of different vegetable crops for content of manganese and molybdenum

D. Kostova¹, V. Kanazirska² and M. Kamburova¹

¹Agricultural University – Plovdiv12, Mendeleev Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria;e-mail: deny_kostova@yahoo.com
²Vegetable Crops Research Institute, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


The microelements manganese and molybdenum are actively absorbed by plants. The manganese and molybdenum content in 12 widely used vegetable species of the families Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Brassicaceae, Cruciferae were studied to establish the different levels of these elements in their production.Under the influence of nitrogen fertilization (400 mg N / 1000 g soil), different plantspecies, grown under the same soil-climatic conditions, accumulate different quantities of manganese and molybdenum from the nutrient medium. The resulting content varies considerably.Lentils are described with the highest content of manganese, 120.83 mg kg-1 dry matter(family Fabaceae). The concentration of molybdenum is highest in broccoli, 29.53 mg kg-1 dry matter (family Brassicaceae). Brussels sprouts and okra accumulate the least manganese and molybdenum – brussels sprouts, 5.50 mg kg-1 Мn dry matter, оkra, 5.23 mg kg-1 Мо dry matter.The manganese and molybdenum content in the vegetable species were determined by anew extraction-photometric method with Toluidine Blue and Tetrazolium Violet.Manganese and molybdenum has also been determined by atomic-absorption method, inorder to compare the results.

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509-516 M. Gibczyńska, E. Meller, S. Stankowski and Cz. Wołoszyk
Metal content in soil fertilized with brown coal fly ash
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Metal content in soil fertilized with brown coal fly ash

M. Gibczyńska¹, E. Meller², S. Stankowski³ and Cz. Wołoszyk⁴

¹ General Chemistry Department, University of Agriculture, 71 434 Szczecin,ul Słowackiego 17, Poland; e-mail: margi@px.pl
² Department of Soil Science, University of Agriculture, 71 434 Szczecin, ul Słowackiego 17,Poland; e-mail: Edward.Meller@agro.ar.szczecin.pl
³ Soil, Plant Cultivation and Biometry Department, University of Agriculture, 71 434 Szczecin,ul Słowackiego 17, Poland; e-mail: mail sstankowski@hoga.pl
⁴ Department of Environmental Chemistry, University of Agriculture, 71 434 Szczecin,ul Słowackiego 17, Poland; e-mail: woloszyk@agro.ar.szczecin.pl


The aim of the studies was evaluation of brown coal ash produced by Power Plant Group Pątnów-Adamów-Konin for agricultural purposes. The subject matter was the estimation of the influence of fly ash applied to light soil on the metal content of soils (aluminium, iron, manganese, copper, nickel and cobalt). The field experiment was conducted on light soil at the area of the Agricultural Experimental Station in Lipnik, Poland. The experiment was set up by means of randomized complete blocks in 4 replications. The study consisted of testing 7 variants (controlburned lime (CaO) dolomite lime CaCO3⋅MgCO3, ash from 1st electrofilterzone, from 2nd electrofilter zone, from 3rd electrofilter zone and mixture of ashes from three electrofilter zones). Lime fertilizers and ashes were applied in a dose corresponding to 1.0 hydrolytic soil acidity expressed in cmol H+ kg-1 of soil. Brown coal fly ash produced by Power Plants ZE PAK S.A., used as soil fertilizer, did not contribute to changes of content of the following metals: iron, zinc, copper, nickel, lead and cobalt in the tested soil. Soil-incorporated brown coal fly ash significantly increased the content of manganese. However, the obtained results did not exceed the allowable standard. In the soil of all fertilizer variants, where brown coal ash was applied, the content of mobile aluminium diminished. When brown coal ash produced by Power Plants ZE PAK S.A. was applied in the experiment, soil reaction changed from acid to neutral and its hydrolytic acidity decreased by ca 50%.

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73–80 V. Loide, M. Nõges and J. Rebane
Assessment of the agrochemical properties of the soil using the extraction solution Mehlich 3 in Estonia
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Assessment of the agrochemical properties of the soil using the extraction solution Mehlich 3 in Estonia

V. Loide¹, M. Nõges² and J. Rebane²

¹Estonian Agricultural University, Kreutzwaldi 64, 51014 Tartu, Estonia; e-mail: valli.loide@mail.ee
²Agricutural Research Centre, Teaduse 4/6, 75 501 Saku, Estonia; e-mail: noges@pmk.agri.ee


To determine the requirement of macro- and microelements, seven extraction solutions have been employed in Estonian practice. Double lactate (DL) extraction has been used for determination of the phosphorus and potassium requirement, ammonium lactate (AL) extraction for determination of the calcium and magnesium requirement, and five more different extractions have been used for determination of microelements. Hence the need for a more appropriate extraction solution was due to the large number of the extraction solutions used until now, which made determination of the fertiliser requirement less efficient; also, in some cases, use of some extraction solutions did not yield reliable results in the case of particular plants. It was found in this study that the extraction solution Mehlich 3 is suitable for determining the fertiliser requirement of the soils of Estonia, considering their diverse agrochemical properties, while it allows to reduce the number of the extraction solutions. Also, employment of the extraction solution Mehlich 3 yielded more reliable results with respect to plants in the case of phosphorus, potassium, copper and, particularly, magnesium and manganese.

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