Determination of the phase separation temperature and the water solubility in the mixtures of gasoline with biobutanol and bioethanol
¹Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Chemistry, Kamycka 129, CZ16521, Prague 6, Czech Republic; *Correspondence:
²Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Management, Kamycka 129, CZ16521, Prague 6, Czech Republic
³Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Engineering, Department for Quality and Dependability of Machines, Kamycka 129, CZ16521, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Original hydrocarbon composition, volatility, compatibility with materials, calorific value and stability of the mixture in the presence of water are monitored usually. This paper deals with the stability of gasoline-biobutanol and gasoline-bioethanol mixtures in the presence of water. Biobutanol is better biofuel than bioethanol using the same raw materials. Different contents of alcohol and oxygenated cosolvents are evaluated. Experimental analysis are focused on the water solubility and phase stability. Solubility in water of butanol and ethanol mixtures is very similar. Butanol-gasoline mixture provides better phase stability upon contact with water or atmospheric moisture oppose to ethanol mixtures. Butanol also does not enter to the aqueous layer and fuel properties remain in phase separation preserved. Further, it was found that crystals occur at low temperatures after exclusion of water was seen. Moreover, the temperature of phase separation can affect the content of alcohol, water, hydrocarbon composition and cosolvents added. The only difference found between more beneficial butanol and less beneficial ethanol was ABE (Aceton–Butanol–Ethanol) fermentation with Clostridium Acetobutylicum allowing to ferment also saccharidic cellulose to biobutanol according to standard of second generation biofuels.
Key words:
BioButanol, bioethanol, ETBE., MTBE, water