Tag Archives: phenolic compounds

588-602 І. Ivanova, М. Serdyuk, V. Malkina, О. Tonkha, O. Tsyz, B. Mazur, A. Shkinder-Barmina, T. Herasko and O. Havryliuk
Cultivar features of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid accumulation in the cherry fruits (Prunus cerasus L.) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
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Cultivar features of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid accumulation in the cherry fruits (Prunus cerasus L.) in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

І. Ivanova¹, М. Serdyuk¹, V. Malkina¹, О. Tonkha², O. Tsyz², B. Mazur², A. Shkinder-Barmina³, T. Herasko¹ and O. Havryliuk²*

¹Tavriya State Agrotechnological University named after Dmytro Motorny, Khmelnytsky Ave., 18 B, UA72312 Melitopol, Ukraine
²National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv Oborony Str., 12 А, 13 UA03041, Kyiv, Ukraine
³Melitopol Research Station of Horticulture, named after M.F. Sydorenko of IH NAAS, Vakulenchuka Str., 99, UA72311 Melitopol, Ukraine
*Correspondence: o.havryliuk@nubip.edu.ua


Cherry is a popular and widespread fruit crop in many European countries. Significant areas of its plantation are located in the Southern Steppe subzone of Ukraine. Modern biochemical research aims to determine the amplitude of cherries varietal difference within the studied species and determine selection possibilities for the most important chemical components. In this regard, the study of fruits biochemical composition of different cherries cultivars is relevant. The aim of the research was to build a mathematical model based on Multiple linear regression method, which reveals the degree of weather factors influence on the dynamics of polyphenolic compounds and ascorbic acid accumulation in cherries fruits in the Southern Steppe subzone of Ukraine and in regions with similar hydrothermal parameters. The cultivar ‘Ihrushka’ was characterized by the lowest variability in the concentration of polyphenolic compounds with the value of the variation coefficient of 9.9%. The optimal average concentration of polyphenolic compounds at the level of 224.6 mg 100 g-1 had fruits of the cherry cultivar ‘Siianets Turovtsevoi’ (Vp – 12.8%). Fruits of the ‘Vstrecha’ cultivar were characterized by the optimal average concentration of ascorbic acid at the level of 9.6 mg 100 g-1 and variability of the indicator 14.0%. The dominant influence of varietal characteristics on the polyphenolic compounds accumulation in cherry fruits has been established. The share of the factor impact B was 41.3%. It was determined that weather conditions with a share of influence of 69.2% are crucial for the formation of the ascorbic acid. The correlation analysis showed the presence of a linear correlation between seven weather factors (Хі, i = 1..7) and the concentration of polyphenolic compounds (Y1) and ascorbic acid (Y2) in cherry fruits. The values of the pairwise correlation coefficients rY1Xi,rY2Xi i = 1..7 were within the interval [-0.55; 0.55], which showed the presence of an impact between these weather factors and the studied indicators. The average monthly precipitation in June became decisive for the accumulation of polypolyphenolic compounds (ΔX2 =35.2%). The average monthly amount of precipitation in May was determined to be the most important for the formation of the ascorbic acid level (ΔX1 =37.1%).

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1487-1503 A.M. Golubev, N.A. Alyoshina, V.E. Anfalov, A.A. Kulikov and V.S. Vdovenko
Some mechanisms of winter resistance in apricot flower buds in the period of ecodormancy
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Some mechanisms of winter resistance in apricot flower buds in the period of ecodormancy

A.M. Golubev*, N.A. Alyoshina, V.E. Anfalov, A.A. Kulikov and V.S. Vdovenko

Laboratory of Molecular Genetic Selection of Fruit Crops, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of Agriculture of The South-East" (FSBSI "FASCA South-East". 7 Tulaikov Str., RU410010 Saratov, Russia
*Correspondence: biotechnoalgol@mail.ru


The accelerated development of flower buds during the thaw in apricots and almonds during the ecodormancy period leads to significant damage to the flower elements during return frosts and loss of future crops. The aim of the research was to identify the mechanisms of delay in the rate of development of flower buds during the ecodormancy period, their relationship with the degree of frost resistance and the timing of flowering in apricots. The following indicators of flower buds were analyzed: the degree of exit from endodormancy, frost resistance at temperatures of -18 °C and -31 °C, the degree of morphological development of flower elements, the activity of α-amylases at temperatures of +15 °C and + 60 °C, total content water, phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids and free proline. A significant positive correlation was revealed between the percentage of death of flower buds at a temperature of -18 °C and the percentage of buds emerging from endogenous dormancy (0.64*), the percentage of death of buds at a temperature of -31 °C and the degree of development of flower elements (0.70*), water content and the degree of development of flower elements (0.76**), amylase activity at +60 °C and amylase activity at +15 °C (0.76**), the content of phenolcarboxylic acids in the bark of shoots and flower buds (0.61*). For the first time, psychrophilic forms of α-amylases have been discovered in apricot flower buds.

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1844-1852 B. Ozola and M. Dūma
Antioxidant content of dark colored berries
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Antioxidant content of dark colored berries

B. Ozola and M. Dūma*

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Department of Chemistry, Liela Street 2, LV3001 Jelgava, Latvia
*Correspondence: Mara.Duma@llu.lv


Blackberries (Rubus caesius), elderberries (Sambucus nigra L), highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L) and black currants (Ribes nigrum) were selected for research on their content of phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins and comparing their content in these berries. Samples were also assayed for ascorbic acid and soluble solid content. The unifying mark of these fruits is purple-black color, which indicates high content of anthocyanins. Analyses of these fruits showed that they contain high biological activity components that justify the uses of these fruits.
The research was done at the Department of Chemistry, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, year 2019. Berry samples were bought at the supermarket (highbush blueberries) or collected from garden in Jelgava, Latvia (blackberries, elderberries and black currants). All berries were at full maturity. The content of ascorbic acid, total phenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids as well as soluble solids was determined.
Descending order of ascorbic acid content in berries is: black currants > blackberries > elderberries > highbush blueberries. Elderberries had the highest content of anthocyanins, total phenols and flavonoids on average 161.5, 537.9 and 112.6 mg 100 g-1 FW, respectively. The content of soluble solids changes from 5.83 Brix (elderberries) to 13.67 Brix (black currants).

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1367–1379 I. Laukaleja and Z. Kruma
Phenolic and volatile compound composition influence to specialty coffee cup quality
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Phenolic and volatile compound composition influence to specialty coffee cup quality

I. Laukaleja* and Z. Kruma

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, Rigasiela 22, LV–3004 Jelgava, Latvia
*Correspondence: ilze.laukaleja@gmail.com


With increasing specialty coffee consumption, more attention is focused not only on the cup quality (sensory quality) of the coffee beverage but also about the impact of coffee on health. The beneficial effects of coffee on human health are mainly based on a wide range of biologically active components, including phenolic compounds. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of phenolic and volatile compound composition to specialty coffee cup quality. Seven specialty coffees from two Latvian roasteries were selected and analysed. Total phenolic and flavanoid content and radical scavenging activity by DPPH and ABTS assay were determined spectrophotometrically. Sensory evaluation (cup quality) was performed by trained panellist team using the SCAA protocols cupping specialty coffee. Volatile compounds were extracted by SPME and analysed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). Coffee final cup quality score ranged in amplitude of 83–90.25 points. HON_2 with dry fruits and melon characteristics has shown the highest final cup quality score. Almost detected volatile compounds in KEN_1 is associated with positive specialty coffee characteristics. In ETH_1 coffee with the final cup quality score 88.25 was detected highest floral, fruity compounds and highest coffee–like roasted notes. The highest total phenolic content and DPPH, ABTS•+˙ value showed Roastery_1 coffee samples (HON_1; KEN_1; COL_1) and the lowest values Roastery_2 coffee samples (HON_2; ETH_1; HON_3; SAL_1).The results indicate that the roastery specific roasting process parameters could influence not only volatile compounds profile and cup quality but also the total and individual phenolic compound content.

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1735–1749 A. Roumani, A. Biabani, A.R. Karizaki, E.G. Alamdari and A. Gholizadeh
Effects of salicylic acid and spermine foliar application on some morphological and physiological characteristics of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under water stress
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Effects of salicylic acid and spermine foliar application on some morphological and physiological characteristics of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) under water stress

A. Roumani*, A. Biabani*, A.R. Karizaki, E.G. Alamdari and A. Gholizadeh

University of Gonbad Kavous, Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Department of Crop Production, Crop Physiology, IR4971799151 Golestan, Iran
*Correspondence: azamroumani2012@gmail.com; abs346@yahoo.com


Yield as well as concentration of relevant component in many medical plants are influenced by growing condition water stress. Field experiment was done based on a randomized complete block design with 18 treatments and three replications, at Gonbad Kavous University, Golestan, Iran in winter 2016. Irrigation treatment with three levels (normal irrigation, water stress imposed at flowering stage or at seed filling stage) was placed in main plot. Salicylic acid (SA) with three levels (control, 0.4 and 0.8 mM) and spermine (Spm) with two levels (control and 0.02 mM) were assigned in sub-plots. Result showed the foliar application SA and Spm treatments under normal irrigation and cutoff irrigation at seed filling stage have significantly affected relative water content, electrolyte leakage and membrane stability index, but under cutoff irrigation at flowering stage did not significantly affected measured traits. Exogenous applications of SA and Spm applied increased the plant height, 1,000 grain weight and biological yield in compared to the non-use product at normal irrigation regime. Foliar spraying SA and Spm under cutoff irrigation at flowering stage did not significantly affected measured traits. Application product especially SA0.8 mM and Spm0.02 mM under cutoff irrigation at seed filling stage increased the most characteristics in compared to control. Foliar application of phenolic compounds such as salicylic acid and polyamines like spermine can be considered as an effective measure to reduce the adverse effects of water stress and ultimately increase the yield and yield components of isabgol.

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1546-1554 R. Zarins, Z. Kruma, L. Tomsone, S. Kampuse, I. Skrabule and I.H. Konosonoka
Comparison of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and freeze-dried potatoes
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Comparison of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and freeze-dried potatoes

R. Zarins¹, Z. Kruma¹*, L. Tomsone¹, S. Kampuse¹, I. Skrabule² and I.H. Konosonoka²

¹Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Food Technology, Rigas iela 22, LV-3004 Jelgava, Latvia
²Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Zinātne iela 2, Priekuli, Priekuli municipality, LV-4126 Latvia
*Correspondence: zanda.kruma@llu.lv


Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) contain a wide range of compounds with health benefits, and different techniques have been developed for the determination of these compounds. Freeze-drying is a common method for the preservation and preparation of samples for the analyses of bioactive compounds, but it is well known that drying influences the composition of food products. The aim of the current study was to compare phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh and freeze-dried potatoes. In the experiment 11 cultivar potatoes grown in experimental fields of the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics in 2016 were analysed. Potatoes were freeze-dried. Homogenized fresh and freeze-dried samples were extracted with an ethanol/water (80/20 w/w) solution. Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, and the antioxidant activity was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH˙) and 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) assays. The highest TPC and radical scavenging activity were determined in cultivars ‘Peru Purple’ and ‘Blue Congo’ potatoes. Freeze-drying influenced all the tested parameters but more significantly the TPC, and for certain cultivars a reduction of more than 30% was observed. A strong correlation between TPC, DPPH and ABTS in fresh and freeze-dried samples was observed, r = 0.81, r=0.93, r = 0.92, respectively. It could be concluded that the effect of freeze-drying on TPC and antioxidant activity is cultivar dependent.

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1316–1329 L. Klavins, J. Kviesis, M. Klavins
Comparison of methods of extraction of phenolic compounds from American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon L.) press residues
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Comparison of methods of extraction of phenolic compounds from American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon L.) press residues

L. Klavins, J. Kviesis, M. Klavins*

University of Latvia, 19 Raina Blvd., LV–1586, Riga, Latvia
*Correspondence: maris.klavins@lu.lv


American cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon L.) contain significant quantities of
various phenolic compounds. Most of these compounds are recovered when berry juice is
produced. However, a considerable part of polyphenols remain in berry press residues and are
discarded as food industry waste. The aim of the study was to compare the methods of extraction
of polyphenols (ultrasound, microwave-assisted, Soxhlet) from press residues of American
cranberry. The impact of main extraction parameters (e.g., extraction time, solid/solvent ratio,
solvent type) on the yield of extracted polyphenols. Ultrasound-assisted extraction showed the
highest potential from all studied methods, given its fast, convenient use and low cost. Aqueous
ethanol and methanol in the presence of acid (anthocyanin extractions should be assisted with
trifluoroacetic acid, polyphenol extractions – with HCl) were assessed as the best solvents for
extraction. The obtained extracts were characterised using the Folin-Ciocaulteu method for
determination of total phenolics and the pH-differential method for determination of total
anthocyanins, and UPLC–PDA was used to determine the content of individual anthocyanins.
Cyanidin-3-O-arabinoside, peonidin-3-O-galactoside, peonidin-3-O-glucoside and peonidin-3-
O-arabinoside were identified as the main anthocyanins in cranberry press residue extracts.

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