Tag Archives: RT-PCR

471-474 I. Zitikaitė and J. Staniulis
The use RT-PCR for detection of viruses infecting cucumber
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The use RT-PCR for detection of viruses infecting cucumber

I. Zitikaitė and J. Staniulis

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų, 49, LT-08406, Vilnius, Lithuania;e-mail: izitika@botanika.lt


Cucumber plants exhibiting virus-like disease symptoms were collected in various gardens and greenhouses in Lithuania. Viral diseases were expressed by symptoms of mosaic-mottling, yellow ringspots and vein necrosis of leaves. Growth and fruiting of plants were reduced. Results of the identification of viruses detected in cucumbers by the RT-PCR technique are presented here. Identification of causal agents was based on cDNA amplified product size in PCRs using virus-specific oligonucleotides. From cucumbers with various virus-like symptoms 400, 499 and 300 bp DNA fragments were amplified. They are characteristic for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) and Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV), respectively, and confirm cucumber infection by these viruses.

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475-478 M. Žižytė, J. Staniulis and I. Zitikaitė
Identification of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolate detected in Lithuania
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Identification of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus isolate detected in Lithuania

M. Žižytė, J. Staniulis and I. Zitikaitė

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania;e-mail: marija.zizyte@botanika.lt


Sugar beet plants with rhizomania symptoms in their roots were detected in the central region of Lithuania. The study was undertaken to ascertain the possible presence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in the rootlets. DAS-ELISA, lateral flow tests, electron microscopy and mechanical transmission to indicator plantsconfirmed the presence of BNYVV. BNYVV was detected in leaf tissue of indicator plants with local lesions, and products of the expected size were amplified by RT-PCR, immunocapture RT-PCR (IC-RT–PCR) and nested PCR (nPCR) (500 bp for RT-PCR and 326 bp for nPCR). This is the second location where the presence of BNYVV quarantine pathogen in Lithuania has been proved.

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