Tag Archives: salted herring preserves

1249–1259 E. Kuprina, V. Filipov, A. Yakkola, A. Manuilov, V. Abramzon, M. Kremenevskaya, M. Zashikhin, A. Kuznetsova, A. Kopylov and A. Maksimenkov
Obtention of omega-3-fatty acids cryoconcentrated fish oil from by-products of preserves industry
Abstract |

Obtention of omega-3-fatty acids cryoconcentrated fish oil from by-products of preserves industry

E. Kuprina*, V. Filipov, A. Yakkola, A. Manuilov, V. Abramzon, M. Kremenevskaya, M. Zashikhin, A. Kuznetsova, A. Kopylov and A. Maksimenkov

ITMO University, Faculty of Biotechnologies Lomonosov street 9, RU191002 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
*Correspondence: elkuprina@yandex.ru


The technology for obtaining and cryoconcentration of high-quality fish oil from collagen-containing wastes of slightly salted herring under gentle conditions using electrochemically obtained catholytes has been developed. Physicochemical analysis of raw materials was carried out and the yields of products from raw materials at all stages of processing were determined. Concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in oil was carried out using the cryo method. The main phase transitions in oil with decreasing temperature have been determined. The mass yields were determined and the biochemical composition of the cryoconcentrated fish oil fractions was investigated. It was defined the temperature of -14° С at which a phase transition is observed, providing an increase in the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in oil by 3 times. The usage of cryoconcentrated fish oil allows to produce biologically active food supplement or raw materials for a functional food.

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