Tag Archives: soil moisture

xxx R.P. Ria, K. Kartika, B. Lakitan, F. Sulaiman and M. Meihana
The impact of straw application on growth dynamics and proline accumulation in drought-stressed rice
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The impact of straw application on growth dynamics and proline accumulation in drought-stressed rice

R.P. Ria¹, K. Kartika²*, B. Lakitan¹³, F. Sulaiman¹ and M. Meihana⁴

¹University of Sriwijaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy,
Jl. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih Km 32 Indralaya, Ogan Ilir 30662, Indonesia
²Research Center for Horticulture, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong 19611, Indonesia
³Research Centre for Sub-optimal Lands, Universitas Sriwijaya. Jl. Padang Selasa No. 524, Bukit Besar, Palembang 30139, South Sumatra, Indonesia
⁴STIPER Sriwigama, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Palembang 30137, South Sumatra, Indonesia
*Correspondence: kart011@brin.go.id


The frequent occurrence of unpredictable extreme droughts necessitates investigating measures to mitigate their impacts, as drought may occur at any growth phase of rice. This study evaluated the efficiency of straw applications to conserve soil moisture and mitigate the negative effect of drought stress on rice in tropical riparian wetlands. Rice straw was applied as organic matter (S1) and as mulch (S2) and then subjected to drought stress during early vegetative (D1), late vegetative (D2), and generative (D3) phases. The result of this study showed that the utilization of straw slowed down the water loss through evaporation as indicated by soil moisture. However, both rice straw applications, organic matter and mulch, were inefficient in maintaining the optimum plant growth when the soil moisture declined to < 10%. Drought stress at the early vegetative phase reduced the number of leaves by 63.68%, the number of tillers by 50.58%, and the total leaf area by 72.36%. Drought stress at the early vegetative phase also delayed flowering time for 11 days. Meanwhile, drought stress during the generative phase reduced the number of filled spikelets by 45.18% and increased sterile spikelets to 247.05%, which significantly reduced the yield. Plants that experienced drought stress during the vegetative and generative phases eventually increased the proline content by about 10 times (18.47 mmol g-1) compared to unstressed plants (1.62 mmol g-1). Straw mulching is recommended for mild to moderate droughts, but additional methods are needed to maintain soil moisture below 10%.

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241–255 D. Paulus, I. C. Zorzzi, D. Becker, G.A. Nava, A.L. de Paula and F.M. de Paula
Physiological indicators and yield of the Chinese cabbage cultivated at different soil water tensions
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Physiological indicators and yield of the Chinese cabbage cultivated at different soil water tensions

D. Paulus*, I. C. Zorzzi, D. Becker, G.A. Nava, A.L. de Paula and F.M. de Paula

Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos, Faculty of Agronomia, Department of Agronomy, Street adress Estrada para Boa Esperança, km 04, postal code 157, Dois Vizinhos, Paraná, Brazil
*Correspondence: dalvapaulus@gmail.com


The development and yield of Chinese cabbage is influenced by soil moisture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological indicators, development, and yield of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.) grown at different soil water tension ranges. Two experiments were conducted (2016–2017) in the Olericulture Sector of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná. Two cultivars of the Chinese cabbage, Eikoo and Kinjitsu, and four soil water tension ranges 13–17, 23–27, 33–37, and 43–47 kPa were studied. Eikoo presented higher relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis, and fresh leaf mass than did Kinjitsu. Physiological indicators transpiration (5.8 mmol H2O m-2 s-1), photosynthesis (14.5 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1), stomatal conductance (0.31 mol H2O m-2 s-1), and WUE (39.4 kg m-3) were higher at 13–17 kPa soil water tension. Soil water tension ranges with high water restrictions reduced the fresh leaf mass of both cultivars. Fresh leaf mass decreased by 236.2 and 191.7 g plant-1 in the highest soil water tension range in 2016 and 2017, respectively, when compared with the fresh leaf mass at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The lowest water consumption was observed at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The year 2017 resulted in higher internal CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, fresh leaf mass, number of irrigations and water consumption compared to the year 2016. Thus, the irrigation regime for the most optimal Chinese cabbage cultivation should maintain the soil water tension range at 13–17 kPa.

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1441–1454 R. Abrahám, R. Majdan and R. Drlička
Comparison of tractor slip at three different driving wheels on grass
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Comparison of tractor slip at three different driving wheels on grass

R. Abrahám¹, R. Majdan¹ and R. Drlička²

¹Department of handling and transport machinery, Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic
²Department of Quality and Engineering Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK949 76 Nitra, Slovak
*Correspondence: rudolf.abraham@uniag.sk


The paper deals with a possibility of tractor slip reduction on a grass and evaluates an use of two versions of special wheels. Both prototypes were developed at the Department of Transport and Handling of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The first system was designed in 2010 year as blades wheels. The second system (spikes device) consists of spikes which are mounted onto standard tractor tyres with special cuts, was designed in 2014 year. The spikes are settled in these cuts while moving on road surface. The second one is placed near the drive wheels and uses the blades. The spikes and blades are ejected to reduce wheels slip when tractor operates on grass or soil. The base position allows tractor transport on road with standard tyres. The goal of experiments realized on grass surface was to compare mutually slip behaviour achieved. The measurements were realized with standard tyres without any modification, too. A tractor with three types of drive wheels were loaded by heavier tractor. Drawbar pull and wheel rotation speed for slip calculation were measured in tests. The results show a fact that a loss of energy due to the wheels slip increases, while a penetrometric resistance in the surface layers of a soil decreases, at soil humidity 33.2%. An application of both prototypes is very advantageous because they reduce the wheels slip, increase tractor operation efficiency and so protect the soil.

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790–800 J. Jobbágy, K. Krištof and P. Findura
Soil compaction caused by irrigation machinery
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Soil compaction caused by irrigation machinery

J. Jobbágy, K. Krištof* and P. Findura

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machines and Production Systems, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK 94976 Nitra, Slovakia, *Correspondence: koloman.kristof@uniag.sk


 This contribution is focused on the analysis of soil compaction with chassis of a wide-span irrigation machine, Valmont. The sprinkler had 12 two-wheeled chassis (size of tyre 14.9”×24”). During the evaluation of soil compaction, we monitored the values of penetration resistance and soil moisture during the operation of the sprinkler. Considering the performance parameters of the pump, the sprinkler was only half of its length (300 m) in the technological operation. In this area, also field measurements were performed in 19 monitoring points spaced both in tracks and outside the chassis tracks. The analysis showed the impact of compression with sprinkler wheels. The results of average resistance ranged from 1.20 to 3.26 MPa. The values of the maximum resistance ranged from 2.30 to 5.35 MPa. The results indicated a shallow soil compaction; however, it is not devastating.

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7-16 R. Abrahám, R. Majdan, T. Šima, J. Chrastina and J. Tulík
Increase in tractor drawbar pull using special wheels
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Increase in tractor drawbar pull using special wheels

R. Abrahám¹, R. Majdan¹, T. Šima²⋅*, J. Chrastina¹ and J. Tulík¹

¹Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Transport and Handling, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic 2Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Machines and Production Systems, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic; *Correspondence: tomasko.sima@gmail.com


The paper is aimed at the possibility of increasing in maximal drawbar pull of tractor working on the soil. The increasing in drawbar pull occurred due to a special wheels mounted on drive axle. The special wheels were equipped with auto-extensible blades and designed in Slovak university of agriculture in Nitra. The main advantage of the special wheels is the automatic extension of steel blades to increase the drawbar pull during a wheel slip and automatic return to the base position to allow the transport of tractor by the route. The testing operation points at the increase in drawbar pull resulting in decrease of wheel slip. A drawbar pull of tractor equipped with standard tires and special wheels was compared on the different soil moisture condition. The higher increasing in drawbar pull was measured during the tractor operation on the soil with higher moisture in comparison the soil with lower moisture level. In case of soil moisture 14% the increase in drawbar pull of tractor equipped with special wheels reached the value 17.2% in compare with standard tires. Using the special wheels on the same field with higher level of soil moisture 22% the increase in drawbar pull reached the value 36.1% in compare with standard tires.

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