Tag Archives: spike

96-109 O.A. Demydov, V.V. Kyrylenko, L.A. Murashko, O.V Humenyuk, Yu.M. Suddenko, T.I. Mukha, H.B. Volohdina, N.P. Zamlila, N.V. Novytska and B.O Mazurenko
Breeding and genetic screening of F1 hybrids of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by manifestation ofresistance to Fusarium graminearum Schwabe
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Breeding and genetic screening of F1 hybrids of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by manifestation ofresistance to Fusarium graminearum Schwabe

O.A. Demydov¹, V.V. Kyrylenko¹, L.A. Murashko¹, O.V Humenyuk¹, Yu.M. Suddenko¹, T.I. Mukha¹, H.B. Volohdina¹, N.P. Zamlila¹, N.V. Novytska² and B.O Mazurenko²*

¹The V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, Tsentralna Str., 68, UA-08853 v. Tsentralne, Kyiv region, Ukraine
²National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Plant Science, Heroiv Oborony Str., 15, Kyiv 03041, Ukraine
*Correspondence: mazurenko.bohdan@nubip.edu.ua


Diseases of field crops significantly reduce yield and the quality of agricultural products. Developing resistant varieties is one of the tasks for enhancing agroecosystem resilience. The creation of infectious material for the background pathogen and heterosis analysis of F1 hybrids of soft winter wheat for resistance against Fusarium graminearum Schwabe (F. graminearum) and elements of spike productivity was the goal of the conducted research. The analysis of F1 genotypes of wheat for resistance against F. graminearum was carried out in field infections and natural nurseries of the wheat breeding laboratory of The V.M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of the NAAS of Ukraine (located in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine) during 2021 and 2022. The most aggressive isolates of the F. graminearum fungus were identified for developing inoculum and creating an artificial infection background in field conditions. In terms of the inheritance of resistance and spike productivity traits, 29.4% of hybrid populations of the first generation were selected. Positive dominance for the complex of investigated traits was found in hybrid combinations where sources of resistance against Fusarium graminearum (MV  20-88 × Smuhlianka, (Mikon × ALMA) × Lehenda Myronivska and local winter wheat varieties MIP Knyazhna, MIP Vyshyvanka were involved in the crossbreeding. It was established that cytoplasmic genes enhance the dominance of genes for complex resistance in one crossbreeding group. The best combinations with positive dominance in resistance to fusarium can be utilized in the development of highly resistant varieties.

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1202-1214 M. Golabadi, P. Golkar and B. Bahari
Remobilization assay of dry matter from different shoot organs under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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Remobilization assay of dry matter from different shoot organs under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

M. Golabadi¹*, P. Golkar² and B. Bahari¹

¹Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Collage of Agriculture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O. Box: 81595-158 Isfahan, Iran
²Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Isfahan University of Technology, P.O. Box: 84156-2781 Isfahan, Iran
*Correspondence: m.golabadi@khuisf.ac.ir


Remobilization of dry matter during the grain filling period in wheat is capable of helping the plant recover its grain yield under drought stress. In this study, the genotypic variation of different traits related to dry matter remobilization were measured in seven genotypes of wheat under the three different environment conditions of well-watered, drought stress at heading stage with application of extra nitrogen fertilizer (30%), and drought stress in Isfahan, Iran. Analysis of variance showed that the genotypes were different not only in their dry matter remobilization from the spike, the stem, the peduncle, and the leaf sheath but also in their current photosynthesis. Different environmental conditions were found to affect dry matter remobilization from the leaves and sheath, current photosynthesis, grain yield, and the relative contributions by the stem and the spike to grain yield. The highest values of spike and stem contribution to grain yield were obtained under drought stress while current photosynthesis was found to be the sole supplier for grain filling in normal conditions. Application of extra nitrogen fertilizer under drought stress was found to reduce the loss of grain yield in some genotypes as a result of enhanced vegetative growth, reserve accumulation, and dry matter remobilization to the grain.

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