Tag Archives: animal comfort

698–710 N. Castrillón, V. Gonzalez and J.A. Osorio
Approach to a classification of construction typologies of pig facilities: case study Antioquia – Colombia
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Approach to a classification of construction typologies of pig facilities: case study Antioquia – Colombia

N. Castrillón²³*, V. Gonzalez¹³ and J.A. Osorio¹

¹Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Carrera 65 #59A-110, Código postal 050034 Medellín, Colombia
²Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín, Facultad de Minas, AV 80 #65-223, Código postal 050034 Medellín, Colombia
³Grupo de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Genética Molecular (BIOGEM), Departamento de Producción Animal, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Carrera 65 No. 59 A-110, Código postal 050034, Colombia
*Correspondence: ncastrillon@unal.edu.co


Pig facilities foro confined production in tropical countries such as Colombia does not specify, in the present moment a typological classification that allows researchers to carry out evaluations related to animal comfort and environmental impacts according to the type of accommodation. To achieve the objective of this research were developed a survey to a panel of experts, a decision sensitivity analysis and the hierarchical analytical method AHP. Parameters that allowed to describe the concept of a technified pig farm were obteined, where the most relevant were: biosecurity measures, measurement of zootechnical parameters, training for workers and legal fulfilment. Additionally, ranges were defined to establish the production size in small, medium and large according to the number of animals. The results obtained per group were: 1) breeding small (50–200), medium (201–1,000) and large (1,001–5,000); 2) growth small (60–200), medium (201–800) and large (801–5000); and 3) finishing stage small (50–500), medium (501–1,000) and large (2,001–5,000). A total of 948 typological combinations were initially determined. Finally, the construction characteristics with the greatest technical and operational feasibility were prioritized for each group achieving 36 typologies that can represent the typological pig facilities not only in the state of Antioquia but also in many others states in Colombia.

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