Tag Archives: associative rhizobacteria

1530-1544 L.E. Kolesnikov, A.A. Belimov, E.Y. Kudryavtseva, B.A. Hassan and Yu.R. Kolesnikova
Identification of the effectiveness of associative rhizobacteria in spring wheat cultivation
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Identification of the effectiveness of associative rhizobacteria in spring wheat cultivation

L.E. Kolesnikov¹, A.A. Belimov², E.Y. Kudryavtseva³, B.A. Hassan⁴ and Yu.R. Kolesnikova³

¹Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrotechnologies, Soil science and Ecology, Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine, Petersburgskoe Shosse, 2, RU196601, St. Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia
²Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology”, Laboratory of rhizosphere microflora, sh. Podbelskogo, 3, RU196608, St. Petersburg, Pushkin-8, Russia
³Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), genetic resources of wheat department, plant introduction department, Bolshaya Morskaya Str. 42–44, RU190000, St. Petersburg, Russia
⁴Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Office, Abo-Ghraib, St. Al-Zaytun, H.
IQ10081, Baghdad, Iraq
*Correspondence: kleon9@yandex.ru


The maximum increase in wheat yield (by 67% to the control), associated with a decrease in the root rot development by 19%, an increase in the productive bushiness by 18%, the spike weight by 26%, in the grains number per spike by 8% was noted when using the Bacillus subtilis strain 124-11; the strain effect on leaf diseases was insignificant (2–5%). The plants differed in the maximum changes (to control) in the total bushiness by 59%, the plants vegetative part weight by 27%, the flag leaf area by 21%, the pre-flag leaf area by 28%, the roots numbers and weight by 20% and 62%. After plants treatments with the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SPB2137, the wheat maturation period was reduced by 9% (to the control), wheat yield increased by 58% due to a decrease in the development of root rot and septoria by 18%, the yellow rust pustules area by 44%; the productive bushiness and plant height increased by 25% and 19%, the plant vegetative weight by 21%, the spike length by 4%. The most expressed protective and growth-stimulating effect was shown by the Sphingomonas sp. K1B, which caused a maximum decrease (to the control) in the root rot and yellow rust development by 22% and 7%, the strips length by 22%, the pustules number in the strip by 29%, brown rust by 10%, septoria by 11%. Wheat plants were characterized by a large number and length of roots by 17% and 13%, root weight by 49%, a maximum increase in the nodal roots number and length by 15% and 17%; total bushiness by 34.5%; a maximum increase in plant vegetative weight by 37%; the spike length by 3%.

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